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Streaming Media - 30 Oct 2009

Stream Audio and Video from Your ASP.NET Web Site

Control Freak




Streaming Media

Stream Audio and Video from Your ASP.NET Web Site


By Steve C. Orr


ASP.NET doesn t provide any specific way to play music or video in your Web applications, but that doesn t mean there aren t any options. For example, the following HTML, when embedded anywhere in an HTML page, will play a background song for visitors:



As you might guess by looking at the definition, there are a few options for adjusting the volume, balance, and number of times the song will be played. Static snippets of HTML like this are sure handy sometimes, but it would be even better if there were a Web control that would encapsulate the dynamic rendering of such HTML at run time, and perhaps even provide a basic UI so users can control the playback of the music.


Audio Control

The basic framework for the control is shown in Figure 1. This standard custom Web control code should look familiar to you if you ve been reading this column regularly; all custom Web controls start out similarly.


using System;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Text;

namespace MediaPlayers


   [ToolboxData("<{0}:Audio runat=server>")]

 public class Audio : System.Web.UI.Control


   //Properties go here

   protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)


      //Custom rendering goes here





Figure 1: All custom Web controls start with a shell similar to this.


The four properties of this custom control will mirror the attributes available for the tag: Volume, Loop, Balance, and FileName. Two of the properties are listed in Figure 2; the rest can be downloaded from the code that accompanies this article (see end of article for download details).


private string _FileName = "";

private int _Volume = 0;

[Bindable(true), Category("Appearance"),

 Description("URL to a sound file"),



public string FileName


 get { return _FileName;  }

 set { _FileName = value; }




Description("-10000=mute, 0=full volume (default)")]

public int Volume




   return _Volume;




   if (value>=-10000 && value<=0) _Volume = value;

   else throw new ArgumentException

         ("Volume must be between -1000 and 0");



Figure 2: The FileName property has special attributes for improved design time support in the properties window, and the Volume property throws an exception if an invalid value is set.


First, two private variables are declared to hold the property values. Next, the FileName property is defined along with several useful attributes to improve design time support in the properties window. (Note that some of these attributes will cause a compilation error until you add a project reference to the System.Design.dll.) When a developer uses this control on their Web form at design time, an ellipsis button will appear for the property. When clicked, it displays the dialog box shown in Figure 3 to assist in the selection of a file.


Figure 3: The FileName property provides a special design time editor to make it easy for developers to select a file.


The full code also provides a few more properties for setting the visibility of the three button controls that will allow the user to play, stop, and display information about the current track. These three buttons will be the only user interface visible to the end user at run time, or they can all be set as invisible if the developer prefers to control the playback entirely through code. Figure 4 shows the control in action on a Web page that provides a list of songs for the end user to play on demand. The buttons use client-side JavaScript to interact with the element of the Web page, so the music can be started and stopped without posting back to the server.


Figure 4: The audio control can be dropped onto any Web form to easily spice it up with music and other sounds.


The Render method listed in Figure 5 examines the properties of the controls and generates the BGSOUND HTML that will be rendered to the page. The GenerateButtons procedure creates the HTML for the Play, Stop, and Info buttons. Images could have been used for the symbols, but using the WebDings font is a more efficient approach.


protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)


 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("

 sb.Append("id='"+ this.ClientID + "' ");

 sb.Append("name='"+ this.ClientID + "' ");

 sb.Append("SRC='"+ _FileName + "' ");

 sb.Append("VOLUME='" + _Volume.ToString() + "' ");

 sb.Append("BALANCE='" + _Balance.ToString() + "' ");

 sb.Append("LOOP='" + _Loop.ToString() + "' ");





private StringBuilder GenerateButtons(StringBuilder sb)


 string TempID = "BG"+ this.ClientID;


 if (PlayButtonVisible)



   sb.Append("style='font-family:Webdings;' value='4' ");

   sb.Append("title='Play' onClick=\""+ TempID +

  ".src='"+ _fileName + "'\">");


 if (StopButtonVisible)



   sb.Append("style='font-family:Webdings;' value='<' ");

   sb.Append("title='Stop' onClick=" + TempID + ".src=''>");


 if (InfoButtonVisible)



   sb.Append("style='font-family:Webdings;' value='i' ");

   sb.Append("title='Info' onClick='alert(" +

     TempID + ".src)'>");


 return sb;


Figure 5: The final rendering code examines the control properties to dynamically create the appropriate tag along with some buttons to allow the end user to control playback.


The Audio control turns out to be fairly robust, considering it s doing little more than encapsulating a basic HTML tag. Certainly, it s a useful way to quickly and easily get some tunes playing on a Web page. However, it does have some significant limitations if you want to get some really fancy multimedia interactivity going on.


Here are some features reasonable developers (and users) might want that are simply impossible to implement using the preceding approach:

  • Fancier controls, such as fast forward and rewind.
  • Support for video playback.
  • Buffering, so large media files can start playing without having to wait for the entire media file to download.
  • A friendly and familiar user interface, such as that of Windows Media Player.


The following approach solves all of these problems.


Video Control

Windows Media Player certainly is a leader in the field of media playback; it provides rich support for many media file types and it provides an experience with which most users are already quite familiar. By embedding the Windows Media Player ActiveX control in an HTML page, you can harness this power. The required HTML (listed in Figure 6) is not entirely unlike the tag used earlier in the article, although there are quite a few more options at your disposal.













Figure 6: By embedding the Windows Media Player ActiveX control in a Web page with HTML such as this, you can provide robust audio and video playback capabilities as long as your users have a recent version of Windows Media Player and they accept the standard ActiveX security warning.


Of course, this code requires end users to have a recent version of Windows Media Player installed, and they may need to accept the standard ActiveX security warning displayed by Internet Explorer.


This ActiveX control handles streaming and buffering intelligently, so the media file will start playing as soon as is practical, even before the entire media file has been downloaded.


As with the example at the beginning of the article, the HTML snippet shown in Figure 6 is quite useful but it s not very reusable. The rest of this article describes a new custom Web control, similar to the audio control outlined in the first half of this article. The main difference is that this new control will encapsulate the options available with the Media Player ActiveX control instead of the more simplistic tag.


This control (as well as all custom Web controls) starts with a basic template similar to that shown in Figure 1. The properties for this new control do little more than hold values for the parameters in Figure 6 and enforce valid values.


The only thing unique about this control is the HTML that it generates. This HTML is generated from within the overridden Render event, which is listed in Figure 7.


//output begin object tag

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("

 "CLASSID='CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6'" +


 "height="+_Height + " " + "width="+_Width +


//Render properties as object parameters











//Determine visibility

if (_Invisible)



 sb.Append(" value='invisible'>");




 if (_buttonsVisible)



   sb.Append(" value='full'>");





   sb.Append(" value='none'>");



//output ending object tag



//flush everything to the output stream


Figure 7: This code from the Render event of the new video-capable custom Web control transforms property values into HTML similar to that of Figure 6.


The code starts by using a StringBuilder to concatenate the opening tag, then it uses its properties to generate tags similar to those shown in Figure 6. The determine visibility code block simplifies some of the options in the ActiveX control to modify the visibility of various parts of the control. Finally, the ending tag is rendered and the final HTML string is flushed to the output stream. Figure 8 shows the control in action.


Figure 8: By harnessing the power of Windows Media Player in a Web page you can give your users memorable experiences.


This custom media control, which essentially encapsulates the Windows MediaPlayer ActiveX control, can have its properties set at design time or run time. At run time you might have some code in a Web form s code-behind file that looks like this:


MediaPlayer1.Filename="SomeMediaFile.avi"; //URL

MediaPlayer1.autoStart=true; //start playing upon page load

MediaPlayer1.ButtonsVisible=true; //play control buttons

MediaPlayer1.EnableContextMenu=true; //right-click menu


MediaPlayer1.Invisible=false; //true=no UI but it still plays

MediaPlayer1.Volume=100; //0 = mute, 100 = full blast


The Filename property accepts any publicly accessible URL to a media file. Alternatively, you could point it to a custom Web page that outputs a media file from a secured directory. Such a page might use the Response.WriteFile method to provide authenticated access to media.


One deficiency you may have noticed with both controls in this article is that they stop playing when the user navigates to another page in your Web site, which you may or may not want. If your requirements state that the music should keep playing throughout the user s visit at your Web site, then the most common solution is to use frames. That is, host the music control in one frame and have page navigation occur in a different frame. However, frames can be a bit of a pain in ASP.NET (often requiring copious amounts of client-side code), so venture into this territory at your own risk.


Full Throttle

This article only scrapes the surface of the multimedia capabilities at your disposal. Add some authentication and payment processing and you ve got yourself an online music and video store (just be sure you ve got legal rights to sell the media; you may have noticed record companies are getting mighty uptight about this kind of thing lately!).


I suggest you download the Windows Media SDK if you want to delve deeper into the possibilities. The documentation is thorough, and will likely answer many of the questions that may be lingering in the back of your mind. Using the Windows Media SDK, you can create media player skins and new codecs, and you can even create online stores and other Web sites that appear embedded within Windows Media Player.


Beware: Streaming media tends to eat large amounts of bandwidth, so if your goal is to create a streaming media Web site with any significant amount of scalability, you re going to need fat pipes to go along with beefy servers. Needless to say, this all adds up to a significant financial investment. Also keep in mind that some media formats are more demanding than others. For example, midi files are quick and tiny; video files tend to be the bulkiest.


You should now have enough information at your disposal to create dazzling multimedia experiences for your Web site s users. Impress them, but try not to annoy them with unwanted noise. One of the best things about having a media control on a Web page is that it allows you to suggest a musical overture that matches your Web site s ambiance, but at the same time allows the user to take control of the experience in case they re just not in the mood.


The sample code in this article is available for download.


Steve C. Orr is an MCSD and a Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET. He s been developing software solutions for leading companies in the Seattle area for more than a decade. When he s not busy designing software systems, or writing about it, he can often be found loitering at local user groups and habitually lurking in the ASP.NET newsgroup. Find out more about him at or e-mail him at mailto:[email protected].


Hot Links



Windows Media Player ActiveX Control documentation:


Windows Media 10 SDK:




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