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JSI Tip 9017. How can I prevent Windows XP users from clicking Windows Update, or running Wupdmgr.exe?

I have scripted NoWU.bat to prevent Windows XP users in your domain from using Windows Update on the Start menu, or from running Wupdmgr.exe, to get to

The syntax for using NoWU.bat is:

NoWU \[NetBIOS_Domain_Name\]

Where NetBIOS_Domain_Name is an optional parameter, unless you are logged on locally.

NOTE: The NoWU script uses NetViewC.bat, which must be located in a folder that is in your PATH.

NoWU.bat contains:

@echo off
set keywu=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\wupdmgr.exe
set keyxp=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
for /f %%a in ('netviewc %1') do (
 for /f "Tokens=2*" %%r in ('REG QUERY "%%a\%keyxp%" /v CurrentVersion^|find "REG_SZ"^|Find "5.1"') do (
  @echo %%a
  REG ADD "%%a\%keywu%" /V Debugger /T REG_SZ /F /D "ntsd --"

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