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JSI Tip 0339 - Network Client Administrator registry entries for users.

Network Client Administrator helps you to install programs from the Windows NT Server compact disc. The NCAdmin sub-key is added the first time you use the program. The key is at:


These values are all type REG_SZ.

Additional Values are at tip 337.

 Value   Default   D e s c r i p t i o n 
 LastClientServer   none   The computer name of the last server used to create network client installation disks or an installation disk set. 
 LastClientSharepoint   none   The name of last shared directory used to create network client installation disks or an installation disk set. Can not exceed 255 characters. 
 LastToolsServer   none   The name of the last server that referenced the network administration tools directory path. 
 LastToolsSharepoint   none   The name of the last share that referenced the network administration tools directory path. This path includes the computer name. 

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