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Q. How can I create a Web service or an FTP service in a Windows Server 2003 cluster virtual server?

A. Windows 2000 Server had resource types for the Microsoft IIS components that existed under the cluster resource types, but these no longer exist in Windows 2003. Instead, Windows 2003 provides scripts that are used in conjunction with the Generic Script resource type. Before these scripts will work, all nodes must have the relevant IIS components installed (e.g., Web or FTP components). If the relevant IIS components aren't installed, the required scripts will be missing from the server. To configure a Web or FTP service, perform these steps:

  1. Right-click the cluster group and select New, Resource.
  2. Enter a name and description for the resource, as the figure shows. For the resource type, select Generic Script. Click Next.
  3. The screen will display a list of possible owners. Ensure that the servers you want to be possible owners are in the "Possible owners" box and click Next.
  4. Next, configure the dependencies for the IIS resource. Microsoft recommends that you have a physical cluster disk and the network name as dependencies. Click Next.
  5. Next, you're prompted for the script name. For a Web IIS resource, use the C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\clusweb.vbs script, as the figure shows. For an FTP IIS resource, use the C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\clusftp.vbs script.
  6. Click Finish, then click OK in the confirmation dialog box that appears after you create the new resource.
You need to ensure that the IIS configuration is the same on all nodes in a cluster. To do so, use the IIScnfg.vbs script to copy the configuration from the configured node, by running the command
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cscript iiscnfg.vbs /copy /ts destsrv2 /tu
domain\user /tp Pa55word 
where destsrv2 is the server that you're copying the configuration to, domain\user is the user who has permission on the destination box, and Pa55word is the user's password. When you run the command, you'll see the following output on screen as a metadata copy is being performed:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Backing up server
Backup complete.
Mapping local drive I: to admin share on server
Mapping local drive J: to admin share on server destsrv2
Copying backup files...
cmd /c copy /Y I:\system32\inetsrv\metaback\iisreplback.*
Unmapping local drive I:
Restoring on server destsrv2
Restore complete.
Unmapping local drive J:
Copy operation complete.
Please remember, however, that for most situations, a Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster is a better solution than clustering for a Web service. In my example, I required the Web-based printing for a file and print cluster only. You can find more information about the clustering procedure at Microsoft's Web site.
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