JSI Tip 0237 - Winlogon registry entries.

Jerold Schulman

August 22, 1997

3 Min Read
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The Winlogon service has numerous registry entries at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon

AllocateCDRoms is type REG_SZ
0  (default) Compact discs in the CD-ROM drive can be accessed by all administrators in the domain.
1  Only the user logged on locally can access data on the compact discs in the CD-ROM drive.
Note: Since the CD-ROM is a volume, it has an administrative share. Setting this entry to 1 makes the share unavailable while the current user is logged on.

AllocateFloppies is type REG_SZ
0  (default) Floppy disks in the floppy disk drive can be accessed by all administrators in the domain.
1  Only the user logged on locally can access data on the floppy disks in the floppy disk drive.
Note: Since the Floppy is a volume, it has an administrative share. Setting this entry to 1 makes the share unavailable while the current user is logged on.

AutoRestartShell is type REG_DWORD
0  If the Windows NT user interface or one of its components fails, you must restart the interface by logging off and logging on again.
1  (default) If the Windows NT user interface or one of its components fails, the interface is restarted automatically.

DcacheMinInterval is type REG_DWORD
When you have locked your workstation, the domain list is refreshed when you unlock it, if it has been locked for more than 2 minutes. This causes a noticable delay. The allowable range is 120 - 86,400 seconds.

ProfileDlgTimeOut is type REG_DWORD
Determins how long the system waits for a user response (default is 30 seconds) to:
The system cannot access or update a server-based profile at logon or logoff.
The user's local profile is newer than the server-based profile.
Note: Enter this value in decimal.

RASForce is type REG_SZ
0  (default) Logon Using Dialup Networking check box is cleared.
1  Logon Using Dialup Networking is selected if RAS is installed and the workstation is part of a domain.

SlowLinkDetectEnabled is type REG_DWORD
0  The system does not detect slow links to server-based profiles.
1  (default) Lets a user choose locally cached profile if SlowLinkTimeOut trips.

SlowLinkTimeOut is type REG_DWORD
If a ping exceeds this value (default 2000 milliseconds, max 120,000 milliseconds), the system considers the link to be a slow link. This value entry is used only when the value of SlowLinkDetectEnabled is 1.

System is type REG_SZ
Specifies executable files to be run by Winlogon in the system context (default is lsass.exe).

Click once to make your navigation easier. When following the links below, use your browers back button to return to this page.
See tip 004 for AutoAdminLogon, DefaultDomainName, DefaultPassword, and DefaultUserName.
See tip 106 for DeleteRoamingCache.
See tip 025 for DontDisplayLastUserName.
See tip 082 for KeepRasConnections.
See tip 024 for LegalNoticeCaption, LegalNoticeText, LogonPrompt, and Welcome.
See tip 141 for PasswordExpiryWarning.
See tip 037 for PowerDownAfterShutdown.
See tip 015 for ShutdownWithoutLogon.
See tip 187 for ReportBootOk.
See tip 099 for RunLogonScriptSync.
See tip 050 and tip 074 for Shell.
See tip 110 for Taskman.
See tip 074 for Userinit.
See tip 368 for CachedLogonsCount.
See tip 902 for ChooseProfileDefault.

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