JSI Tip 1429. How do I increase the number of SQL Server error logs?

Jerold Schulman

June 25, 1999

1 Min Read
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In SQL 7.0, seven (7) errors are kept in the Mssql7Log subdirectory. When you start SQL Server:

    ErrorLog.6 is deleted.
    ErrorLog.5 is renamed ErrorLog.6.
    ErrorLog.4 is renamed ErrorLog.5.
    ErrorLog.3 is renamed ErrorLog.4.
    ErrorLog.2 is renamed ErrorLog.3.
    ErrorLog.1 is renamed ErrorLog.2.
    ErrorLog is renamed ErrorLog.1.

The current session will log to ErrorLog.

To increase the number of error logs, use Regedt32 to navigate to:


On the Edit menu, Add Value name NumErrorLogs, as a type REG_DWORD. In the DWORD Editor, click the Decimal Radix and enter a number greater than 7.

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