Mastering File Permissions in Linux

Here’s everything you need to know about setting file permissions in Linux. This guide covers both the GUI and command line approaches.

Grant Knoetze, Contributor

July 14, 2023

12 Min Read
computer keyboard close up

Linux is a widely used operating system favored by professionals and home users worldwide. It is well known for its strong security and integrity features.

In computer security, key concepts include confidentiality, integrity, and availability. When it comes to the computer’s file system, file permissions play a crucial role in securing sensitive information (confidentiality), preventing unauthorized modifications to files (integrity), and allowing appropriate access to files for authorized users (availability). In Linux, file permissions can be set using both the graphical user interface (GUI) and the command line in the terminal.

This article will explain how to set file permissions using the GUI and the terminal, enabling you to protect your system against unauthorized access and modifications. We will also examine how to use permissions symbolically and numerically.

What Are File Permissions in Linux?

In Linux, permissions control the access to files and directories for different types of users. There are three main permissions in Linux: read, write, and execute.

  • Read: Read permissions allow users to view the contents of a file, but they cannot edit or modify it. Read permissions do not grant users the ability to execute the file.

  • Write: Write permissions enable users to make changes to a file, such as adding new entries to a .CSV file. However, write permissions alone do not permit file execution.

  • Execute: Execute permissions authorize the user to run a file, which can be a program or script. This permission is required to execute the file’s code.

How Do We Use File Permissions?

We use file permissions to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of files and folders. File permissions allow us to manage access to these resources. File permissions can be set either through the GUI or from the terminal.

Using the ls Command To Visualize File Permissions

To visualize file permissions in Linux, we use the ls command, which stands for “list.” The ls command provides a detailed list of the folder’s contents. When using the -l flag with the ls command, it displays additional information, including permissions. Figure 1 shows an example of how the permission details are displayed in the terminal.

Screenshot shows Linux terminal with the output of ls -l command


Figure 1. The output of ls -l to the terminal.

In Figure 1, we can see 10 highlighted bits in the first column. The first bit indicates whether it is a file or a folder we are dealing with. A dash (-) represents a file, while the letter d indicates a folder. In Figure 1, the d in the first line of the first column indicates a directory (named volatility3), while the dash (-) in the second line represents a file.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the ls -l command output. In the first column, we see the sequence drwxr-xr-x. Notice that there are 10 bits in total.

Within the 10 bits, each bit represents a specific permission: read (r), write (w), and execute (x). In binary notation, a bit is considered enabled (set) if it is represented by a letter (r, w, x). Conversely, a dash (-) signifies a disabled bit. Therefore, by examining the 10 bits, we can determine the file permissions for different roles.

These permissions are divided into sets of three. Starting from the left, the first trio represents the permissions for the file owner, the second trio represents the permissions for the group the file belongs to, and the third trio represents the permissions for all other users.

Set Permissions Based on Role in Linux

Linux offers us the ability to set permissions based on specific roles. There are three main roles: owner, group, and all other users and groups.

Owner role

The owner role refers to the person who owns the file. When we look at the nine permission bits displayed by the ls -l command in a directory, the first set of three bits is reserved for the owner. These bits determine the permissions and can be set to any combination of read (r), write (w), and execute (x).

In Figure 2, we can see that the file has read, write, and execute permissions set for the owner. In the terminal, the owner role is represented by the character “u”.

Linux screenshot shows first set of three bits, which represents owner permissions for the file


Figure 2. The first trio of bits represents owner permissions for the file. Here, grant is the owner.

Group role

The next trio of bits represents the group to which the file belongs. In Figure 3, the file belongs to the grant group. In the command line, the group role is represented by the character “g”.

Screenshot of Linux highlights the three bits that represent the group role


Figure 3. The second trio of bits represents group permissions.

All other users and groups role

The last trio defines the permissions for the “all other users and groups” role. Figure 4 illustrates these permissions. In the terminal, “all other users” is denoted by the character “o”.

Screenshot of Linux shows the three bits that represent the all other users and groups role


Figure 4. The trio of bits that set the permissions for the “all other users and groups” role.

Modifying Permissions in Linux

Permissions can be modified for files and folders both through the GUI and the terminal. Let’s examine how to set permissions in the GUI first and then how to set permissions in the terminal.

Modifying File Permissions in the GUI

Modifying file permissions in the GUI is straightforward. Right-click on a given file, select Properties, and then navigate to the Permissions table, as can be seen in Figures 5 and 6.

Linux screenshot shows the properties option on the shortcut menu


Figure 5. The Properties option when a file is right-clicked on.

Linux screenshot shows where to modify permissions in properties


Figure 6. Where to modify permissions in Properties in the GUI.

In the GUI, we can change permissions according to the role (owner, group, and others).

Modifying File Permissions in the Terminal

Inside the Linux terminal, we can change the permissions using the chmod (change mode) command. This powerful command allows us to change permissions for the three role types: owner, group, and all other users. To indicate the role, we use the following symbols: “u” for the owner, “g” for the group, and “o” for all other users.

To add permissions, we use the plus symbol (+), and to remove permissions, we use the minus symbol (-). After specifying the role in the command, we need to include the actual permission as a parameter. In the Linux terminal, those are “r” for read permissions, “w” for write permissions, and “x” for execute (run) permissions.

So, to add write permissions for the group role, the command would look like this:

sudo chmod g+w 

The command's output can be seen in Figure 7, where it displays that the write permission has been successfully added to the group role. Additionally, the group role also has read and execute permissions set.

Linux screenshot shows result of the sudo chmod g+w command


Figure 7. The result of the sudo chmod g+w command.

To remove write permissions from the group role, you can use the following  command:

sudo chmod g-w 

The output can be seen in Figure 8, where the group role has had the write permission removed.

Shows the results of the sudo chmod g-w command


Figure 8. The results of the sudo chmod g-w command.

In a single command, you can modify multiple permissions for a specific role. For example, the following command grants read, write, and execute permissions for the owner role:

sudo chmod u+rwx 

The result is shown in Figure 9. The owner has been successfully granted read, write, and execute permissions for the specified file (

Linux screenshot shows results of the sudo chmod u+rwx command


Figure 9. The results of the sudo chmod u+rwx command.

Alternatively, you can add a single permission to multiple roles simultaneously. The command would look like this:

sudo chmod ugo+r 

The command adds the read permission to the owner, group, and all other users and groups roles. The results of this command can be seen in Figure 10.

You can also reverse the process and remove a permission from multiple roles at once. For example:

sudo chmod ugo-r

This command removes the read permission from the owner, group, and other users and groups roles.

Linux screenshot shows results of adding and then removing the read permission for and from multiple roles simultaneously


Figure 10. The results of adding and then removing the read permission for and from multiple roles simultaneously.

This format of using rwx and ugo to denote permissions and users in the chmod command is known as Symbolic Format. However, there is another format, Numeric Format, which offers a faster and simpler way to change permissions. In the Numeric Format, we assign numeric values to each permission (read, write, and execute).

Here are the numerical equivalents for permissions: 4 for read (r), 2 for write (w), and 1 for execute (x). To set permissions, we add these values for each group we want to affect.

For example, if we want to add read (4) and execute (1) permissions, we add those numbers together, resulting in 5. This means that the role we are modifying will have read and execute permissions. We can illustrate this by setting the permissions for the owner role using the number 5. The command will look like this:

sudo chmod 5 

When setting permissions numerically, the positions from left to right represent the owner, group, and all other users roles. For example, if you want to set read and write permissions for the owner role; read permissions for the group role; and read, write, and execute permissions for the all other users and groups role, you can use the following command:

sudo chmod 637

In this case, you add the numerical values for the desired permissions: 4 for read, 2 for write, and 1 for execute. Adding these values for each role results in the numerical representation 637.

Additionally, if you want to set all permissions for all roles, you can use the number 7, which represents the sum of 4 (read), 2 (write), and 1 (execute).  The command would look like this:

sudo chmod 777 

Figure 11 shows the outcome of executing the command, where all permissions have been granted to all roles.

Linux screenshot shows the results of the sudo chmod 777 command


Figure 11. The results of the sudo chmod 777 command.

In contrast, we can revoke permissions numerically using the “0” character from our numbers set. To remove all permissions from all roles, the command would look like this:

sudo chmod 000 

The outcome can be seen in Figure 12, where all permissions have been revoked for all roles.

Linux screenshot shows results of the sudo chmod 000 command


Figure 12. The results of the sudo chmod 000 command.

Final Thoughts

Modifying file permissions in Linux can be easily accomplished through the GUI or the terminal. Linux users need to know how to modify file permissions effectively. This article aims to serve as a starting point in your journey of mastering file permissions in Linux.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I set file permissions in Linux?

A: To set file permissions in Linux, you can use the chmod command in the terminal. Alternatively, you can use the GUI by right-clicking on the file, selecting Properties, and then adjusting the permissions.

Q: What are the different types of file permissions in Linux?

A: The three main permissions in Linux are read, write, and execute. These permissions determine whether a user can view, modify, or run a file.

Q: What are the risks of having incorrect file permissions in Linux?

A: The risks of having incorrect file permissions include the possibility of unauthorized persons gaining access to sensitive information. Incorrect permissions may allow unauthorized users to read, modify, and execute files and programs. Proper file permissions provide granular control over who can access what and for what reason.

Here are several links to additional resources to help you on your way.

Linux documentation

IT Pro Today Linux resources

About the Author

Grant Knoetze


Grant Knoetze is a cybersecurity analyst with a special interest in DFIR, programming languages, incident response, red-teaming, and malware analysis. His full-time job includes teaching and instructing in various topics from basic Linux all the way through to malware incident response, and other advanced topics. He is also a speaker at various conferences worldwide.

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