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More About Outlook and SharePoint Contacts

Why doesn't the File As column that I set in a SharePoint contacts list transfer to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003?

In "Viewing Custom Columns in a SharePoint Contacts List That's Linked to Outlook," November 2006, InstantDoc ID 93200, I explained that a contacts folder linked to Outlook 2003 from a Windows SharePoint Services contacts list won't display custom SharePoint columns. Outlook also won't display the File As column from the SharePoint contacts list, even though File As is a standard column, not a custom column. Outlook constructs the File As value for the Outlook contact from the Last Name and First Name values from SharePoint (putting them in Last Name, First Name order) instead of using the SharePoint contact's File As value. Similarly, Outlook constructs the Business Address field from the Address, City, State, Postal Code, and Country columns in the SharePoint list.

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