Q. How can I generate a csv file of all the folders that have user permission instead of group permissions?

Jerold Schulman

October 24, 2006

1 Min Read
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I have scripted UserPerms.bat to generate a csv file of folders that have user permissions instead of group permissions.

The format of the csv file is:

"DomainUserName","Folder Path"
"LocalComputerUserName","Folder Path"

The syntax for using UserPerms.bat is:

UserPerms "Drive:Folder" "ReportFile"


"Drive:Folder" is the starting folder path, like C: or C:Users."ReportFile"    is the fully qualified name of the csv file to generate.

UserPerms.bat contains:

{} GOTO badIF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO badIF {%2}
{} goto badset pf=%1set pf=%pf:"=%#set pf=%pf:#=%set pf=%pf:#=%set report=%2set f1=findstr "%USERDOMAIN% %ComputerName%"set f2=findstr /V /L /G:"%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp"if exist %report% del /q %report%if exist "%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp" del /q "%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp"for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('net group /domain^|find "*"') do ( set wrk=%%a set grp="%USERDOMAIN%!wrk:~1!" @echo !grp!>>"%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp")for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('net localgroup^|find "*"') do ( set wrk=%%a set grp="%ComputerName%!wrk:~1!" @echo !grp!>>"%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp")call :parse "%pf%"for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /s /b /a /ad "%pf%"') do ( call :parse "%%a")if exist "%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp" del /q "%TEMP%UserPerms.tmp"endlocalgoto :EOF:parseset obj=%1set w1=%obj:"=%set w1=!w1:^)=!set w1=!w1:^(=!set w1=!w1:^&=!for /f "Tokens=*" %%x in ('cacls %obj%^|%f1%^|%f2%') do ( set w0=%%x set w0=!w0:^)=! set w0=!w0:^(=! set w0=!w0:^&=! if "!w0:~1,1!" EQU ":" call set w0=!w0:%w1% =! for /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%y in ('@echo !w0!^%f1%^|find /i /v "ECHO is o"') do (  set w2=%%y  call set w2=!w2:%w0% =!  @echo "!w2!",%obj%>>%report% ))goto :EOF:bad@echo Usage: UserPerms "Drive:Folder" "ReportFile"@echo.endlocal

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