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Letters - 22 Dec 2008

The Vista Dilemma
I was amused to read “10 Reasons to Deploy Windows Vista” and “10 Reasons Not to Deploy Windows Vista” (November 2008, InstantDoc IDs 99986 and 99988). Perhaps the articles’ titles should have been “10 Reasons to Deploy Vista at Home” and “10 Reasons Not to Deploy Vista at Work.” At my business, I have five vertical applications that are key to my operations, and none of them is certified to run on Vista. If I were to ask the folks at Microsoft, they would tell me that I can run Vista. However, if I ever ran into any problems, you can be sure that they wouldn’t support my implementation. To tell you the truth, if my applications didn’t require Windows, I’d run Linux and dump Windows.

—Gregory A. Randis

iPhone Frustration
Congratulations on a spot-on iPhone 3G article (“iPhone 3G: Still Not Quite Ready for Enterprise Email,” December 2008, InstantDoc ID 100479). As a former Windows Mobile user and current iPhone user, I constantly ask myself when my iPhone pet peeves will force me to revert to a less polished but more work-oriented phone. Adding to my frustration is Apple’s refusal to acknowledge or provide a roadmap for enterprise customers.

—Rene Garcia

GPO Problems
I enjoyed Darren Mar-Elia’s “Securing Windows Desktops Using Group Policy” (November 2008, InstantDoc ID 100264). I’m using Group Policy to create an Internet Explorer (IE) security policy for my users. I add my users to this Limited Internet group, and they get a policy that locks down their Internet access. I create a false rating and block out a list of sites; users can access only the listed sites. I have a logon script that populates the policy with permitted sites and enables the registry key switch to turn on the filter. Lately, my solution has stopped working or works only sporadically. I also notice that depending on the domain controller (DC) that users log on to, they get an older version that doesn’t seem to replicate properly. Do you know any way to make this policy more efficient? Or do you know a better way to accomplish my goal?

—Michael La Bara

Thanks for your letter. I assume you’re using the Content Rating feature in the IE Maintenance policy to control allowed or disallowed sites. If you are, I’m not sure I follow what you mean by creating a false rating. In the past, I’ve simply accessed the Content Advisor’s General tab, in which I can configure the policy so that the user can see sites with no ratings (as Figure 1 shows). Then, I simply set my allow and disallow list.

—Darren Mar-Elia

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