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JSI Tip 8660. How can an ordinary user unlock a user account?

I have scripted UnlockUsr.bat to allow an ordinary user to simply unlock a user account, after you grant them the privilege using any of the following methods:

How can I delegate the unlock account right?

How do I use ADSIEDIT to grant Help Desk personnel the right to unlock locked user accounts?

How can I delegate the right to unlock locked user accounts, in a batch file?

To use the UnlockUsr.bat script, create a shortcut to UnlockUsr.bat and place it on the desktop or Start menu.

When the user double-clicks the desktop shortcut, or clicks the Start menu shortcut, they are prompted with:

Please enter the user account to unlock.

After they type the NetBIOS user account, the account is validated. If it does NOT exist, they receive:

Account <NetBIOS User Account> NOT found.
Please enter the user account to unlock.

When a valid account has been entered, they receive:

Please enter the Domain Controller to unlock <NetBIOS User Account>, <User's Full Name>, at, or just press Enter.

If they press Enter, the default Domain Controller for the locked out user is used.

If then enter a NetBIOS computer name and that computer does NOT respond, they receive:

Domain Controller <NetBIOS Computer Name> does not respond.
Please enter the Domain Controller to unlock <NetBIOS User Account>, <User's Full Name>, at, or just press Enter.

They then receive:

Unlock V02.00.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) March 2003

Processed at <ComputerName.DomainName.COM>
Default Naming Context: <DC=DomainName,DC=COM>

If the user account was NOT locked, they receive:

User account <NetBIOS User Account>, <User's Full Name>, was not locked.

Finally, they receive:

Press Enter to exit, or press any key and Enter to unlock another user.


Please enter the user account to unlock.   doej
Please enter the Domain Controller to unlock doej, John Doe, at, or just press Enter. 

Unlock V02.00.00cpp Joe Richards ([email protected]) March 2003

Processed at jsi001.JSIINC.COM
Default Naming Context: DC=JSIINC,DC=COM

Press Enter to exit, or press any key and Enter to unlock another user. 
NOTE: UnlockUsr.bat uses Unlock.exe, which must be in a folder that is in the PATH.

UnlockUsr.bat contains:

@echo off
set /p user=Please enter the user account to unlock.   
if "%user%" EQU "" goto getuser
set FN=N
for /f "Tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('net user %user% /domain^|Findstr /I /C:"Full"^|Findstr /I /C:"Name"') do (
 set FN=%%c
if "%FN%" EQU "N" @echo Account %user% NOT found.&goto getuser
set dc=
set /p dc=Please enter the Domain Controller to unlock %user%, %FN%, at, or just press Enter.   
if "%dc%" EQU "" set dc=.&goto dounlock
set OK=N
for /f "Tokens=*" %%p in ('@ping -n 1 %dc% ^|Findstr /I /C:"Reply from"') do (
 set OK=Y
If "%OK%" EQU "N" @echo Domain Controller %dc% does not respond.&goto getdc
set OK=N
for /f "Tokens=*" %%u in ('Unlock %dc% %user% -force ^|findstr /I /C:"LOCKED"') do (
 set OK=Y
if "%OK%" EQU "Y" goto finish 
if "%dc%" EQU "." @echo User account %user%, %FN%, was not locked.&goto finish
@echo User account %user%, %FN%, was not locked at %dc%.
set ans=
set /P ans=Press Enter to exit, or press any key and Enter to unlock another user. 
if "%ans%" NEQ "" goto getuser

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