JSI Tip 1842. 'Browse in new window' is renamed 'reuse windows for launching shortcuts'.

Jerold Schulman

November 25, 1999

1 Min Read
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IE 5.01 contains a new option (Tools / Internet Options / Advanced tab) labeled Reuse windows for launching shortcuts.

Prior versions of IE had a Browse In A New Process, which is replaced with this new option.

Reuse windows for launching shortcuts is enabled by default.

When enabled, an existing instance of IE is used when you:

Double-click a .url file from within IE.

Open a url in Start / Run.

Use a desktop toolbar, such as the Address or Links bar.

NOTE: Favorites and Links always use an existing instance.

The registry entry that controls this option is:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainAllowWindowReuse

The entry is not present unless you toggle the option and press Apply.

You can Add Value name AllowWindowReuse, as a type REG_DWORD, and in the DWORD Editor, set the data value to 0, to disable this behavior, or 1, the default, to enable it.

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