JSI Tip 1735. Missing/damaged font can cause Minimize / Maximize / Scroll Bar Arrows / Check Boxes to display incorrectly.

Jerold Schulman

October 21, 1999

1 Min Read
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The Marlett.ttf font is used to display Minimize / Maximize / Scroll Bar Arrows / Check Boxes / etc. A missing or damaged font file can cause these objects to display as little numbers or other strange figures.

The Marlett.ttf is hidden and is not visible using Windows NT Explorer. To see if it is present:

attrib %SystemRoot%FontsMarlett.ttf /s

If you receive a File not found:

expand i386marlett.tt_ %SystemRoot%FontsMarlett.ttf

To insure that the hidden attribute is set:

attrib +h %SystemRoot%FontsMarlett.ttf /s

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