JSI Tip 1468. What tools are included in Supplement 4 of the NT 4.0 Server Resource Kit.

Jerold Schulman

July 15, 1999

5 Min Read
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NOTE: For Wndows 2000, see tip 3277.

Supplement 4 of the NT 4.0 Server Resource Kit, is now available.

NOTE: Microsoft recommends that you uninstall any previous resource kit before installing the supplement.

Most of the tools have been updated. New tools are prefaced with (New):

Addusers.exe: Add Users Apimon.exe: API Monitor Associate.exe Atanlyzr.exe: Apple Talk Network Device Analyzer Auditcat.hlp: Audit Categories Help Auditpol.exe: Audit Policy Autoexnt.exe: AutoExNT Service Breakftm.exe: Automated Mirror Break/Restore Utility Browmon.exe: Browser Monitor Browstat.exe: Browser Status C2config.exe: C2 Configuration Manager (New) Chgprint.exe: Change Printer Utility (New) Chklnks.exe: Link Check Wizard Choice.exe: User Input for Batch Files (New) Clearmem.exe: Clear Memory Clip.exe: Clip To Clipboard Clipstor.exe: Clipboard Storage (New) Cliptray.exe: Clip Tray Cmdhere.exe: Command Prompt Here Compreg.exe: Compare Registry Compress.exe: Compress File(s) Counters.hlp: Performance Counters Help (New) Cpustres.exe: CPU Stress Utility (New) Creatals.exe: Modify Domain_Create_Alias (New) Creatfil.exe: Create File Crystal Reports for Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit by Seagate Software (New) Ctrlist.exe: Counter List (New) Debugger Extensions: Windows NT 4.0 OEM Support Tools (New) Debugger Tools: Windows NT 4.0 Debugger Tools Defptr.exe: Default Printer Delprof.exe: User Profile Deletion Utility Delsrv.exe: Delete Service Depends.exe: Dependency Walker Desktops.exe: DeskTops Dh.exe: Display Heap (New) Dhcmp.exe: Heap Compare Dhcpcmd.exe: DHCP Administrator's Tool Dhcploc.exe: DHCP Server Locator Utility Diruse.exe: Directory Disk Usage Diskmap.exe: Disk Map Diskuse.exe: Disk Use Dnscmd.exe: DNS Administrator's Tool Dommon.exe: Domain Monitor Dotcrash.exe: DotCrash Drivers.exe: List Loaded Drivers Dskprobe.exe: Disk Probe Dumpel.exe: Dump Event Log (New) Dupfinder.exe: Duplicate Finder (New) Empty.exe Exctrlst.exe: Extensible Performance Counter List Exetype.exe: Executable Type (New) Expand.exe: Expand File (New) Extract.exe: Extract File (New) Fcopy.exe: File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queue Server Filever.exe: File Version Findgrp.exe: Find Group Fixacls.exe: FixACLS Floplock.exe: Lock Floppy Disk Drives Forfiles.exe: Forfiles Freedisk.exe: Free Disk Space Ftedit.exe: Fault Tolerance Registry Information Editor Getmac.exe: Get MAC Address Getsid.exe: Getsid Gflags.exe: Global Flags Global.exe: Global Groups Grpcpy.exe: Group Copy Hardware Compatibility List Web site Heapmon.exe: Heap Monitor Ifmember.exe Imagination Engineer LE by Intergraph Installation Monitor Instsrv.exe: Service Installer (New) Intergraph Imagination Engineer LE (New) Internet Explorer Administration Kit (New) Internet Explorer Web Accessories (New) Internet Information Server Performance Workspace Presets Kernprof.exe: Kernel Profiler Kill.exe: Kill Kix32.exe: Kixstart 95 Leakyapp.exe: Leaky Application (New) List.exe Local.exe: Local Groups Logevent.exe: Log Event Logoff.exe: Logoff Logtime.exe: Logtime (New) Mcopy.exe: Multiple Copy (New) Memsnap.exe: Memory Profiling Tool Mibcc.exe: SNMP MIB Compiler (New) Microsoft Connection Manager Administration Kit (New) Microsoft Remailer (New) Mtc.exe: Multiple Tree Copy Munge.exe: Munge Netclip.exe: Remote Clipboard Viewer Netcons.exe: Network Connections Netdom.exe: Windows Domain Manager Netsvc.exe: Remote Service Controller Nettime.exe: NetTime Sync Nettime.hqx: NetTime for Macintosh Netwatch.exe: Network Watcher Nlmon.exe: NLMonitor Nltest.exe Now.exe: Now Ntdetect.chk: Startup Hardware Detector (debug version) Ntevntlg.mdb: Windows NT Event Log Database Ntimer.exe Ntmsgs.hlp: Windows NT Messages Ntrights.exe: NTRights Oh.exe: Open Handles Oleview.exe: OLE/COM Object Viewer Os2api.txt: OS2 API Information Passprop.exe: Passprop Pathman.exe: Path Manager Perfmtr.exe: Performance Meter Perl 5 Scripting Language Permcopy.exe: Permission Copy Perms.exe: Permissions Pfmon.exe: Page Fault Monitor Pmon.exe: Process Resource Monitor Poledit.exe: Policy Editor POSIX Utilities Power Toys (New) PPTP Ping: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Ping Tools (New) Printmig.exe: Printer Migrator (New) Probe.exe: Response Probe (New) Profile.exe: Sampling Profiler (New) Profiles.doc: Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles and Policies Pstat.exe: Process and Thread Status Pulist.exe Pview.exe: Process Explode Pviewer.exe: Process Viewer Qslice.exe: CPU Usage by Processes Quickres.exe: Quick Resolution Changer (New) Quiktray.exe: Quick Tray Raslist.exe: RAS List Rasusers.exe: Remote Access Users RConsole (Remote Console) Reg.exe: Registry Management Utility Regback.exe: Registry Backup Regdmp.exe: Registry Dump Regentry.hlp: Technical Reference for the Windows NT 4.0 Registry Regfind.exe: Registry Search Utility Regina REXX Scripting Language Regini.exe: Registry Change by Script Regrest.exe: Registry Restoration (New) Remailer (New) Remote.exe (New) Remote Access Manager by Virtual Motion Remote Command Service (New) Remote Process Kill Riproute.wri: Routing with Windows NT Server Rmtshare.exe: Remote Share Robocopy.exe: Robust File Copy Utility (New) RPC Ping: RPC Connectivity Verification Tool Rshsvc.exe: Remote Shell Service Rshxmenu: Security Shell Extension Runext.exe: Run Shell Extension Sc.exe: Service Controller Query Tool Scanreg.exe: Registry Scan Sclist.exe: Service List Seagate Software Crystal Reports for Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Secadd.exe: Registry Security Tool Security Shell Extension (Rshxmenu) Setedit.exe: PerfMon Chart Setting Editor Setupmgr.exe: Setup Manager Setx.exe: SetX Shareui.dll: Share UI Showacls.exe: Show ACLS Showdisk.exe: Show Disk Space Showgrps.exe: Show Groups Showmbrs.exe: Show Members (New) Showperf.exe: Performance Data Block Dump Utility Shutdown.exe: Shutdown Shutgui.exe: Remote Shutdown GUI Sipanel.exe: Soft Input Panel Sleep.exe: Batch File Wait Snmpmon.exe: SNMP Monitor Snmputil.exe: SNMP Utility Snmputilg.exe: SNMP Troubleshooting Tool Soon.exe: Soon Srvany.exe: Applications as Services Utility Srvcheck.exe: Server Share Check Srvinfo.exe: Server Information Srvinstw.exe: Service Installation Wizard (New) Stripe Log Examples Su.exe Subinacl.exe (New) Svcmon.exe: Service Monitoring Tool Sysdiff.exe: Automated Installation Tool Tdishow.exe: TDI Tracing Utility Textview.exe: TextView Timeout.exe: Timeout Timeserv.exe: Time Synchronizing Service (Y2K Unverified) Timeserv.exe: Time Synchronizing Service (Y2K) Timethis.exe: Time This Timezone.exe: Daylight Savings Time Update Utility Tlist.exe: Task List Tlocmgr.exe: Telephony Location Manager (New) Top.exe: Time-Ordered Processes (New) Totlproc.exe: Total Processors (New) Translate.exe: Translate Error Message Tweakui.cpl: Tweakui (New) Typeperf.exe: Performance Data in the Command Window Tzedit.exe: Time Zone Editor Uptomp.exe: Processor Upgrade Utility Usrstat.exe: User Statistics Usrtogrp.exe: Add User to Group (New) Vadump.exe: Virtual Address Dump (New) Vfi.exe: Virtual File Information (New) Virtual Motion Remote Access Manager Waitfor.exe: Waitfor Whoami.exe: WhoAmI WCAT: Web Capacity Analysis Tool Winat.exe: Windows AT Scheduler Windiff.exe: File and Directory Comparison Windows NT Messages (Ntmsgs.hlp) (New) Windows Scripting Host Winexit.scr: Windows Exit Screen Saver Winmsdp.exe: Winmsdp Winschk.exe Winscl.exe Wntipcfg.exe: Graphical IPConfig Utility (New) Wperf.exe Xcacls.exe: Xcacls

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