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JSI Tip 0210 - No configuration information for PC-CARd.

If you have a new PC-CARD that won't install due to the subject message, even though you have an NT driver, it is because this card is not in the PCMCIA database. To amend the database, you will need the product name, manufacturer name, and driver name (xxxxxxxx.sys).
Run <CD-ROM>\SUPPORT\DEBUG\I386\PCMCMD > PCCARD.TXT. The piped output contains the product name and manufacturer name. Edit:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PCMCIA\database and select database

Add Key from the Edit menu and enter the manufacturer name. Select this key and Add Key again, entering the product name. Select this key and Add Value name Driver as type REG_SZ. Enter the driver name without the extension.

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