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Personal Session Desktops in Windows Server 2016

Personal Session Desktops in Windows Server 2016

Q. Can I use the 2016 Personal Session Desktops in Windows Server 2016 in a pooled configuration?

A. Personal Session Desktops enable VMs running a Windows Server 2016 operating system to be assigned to specific users in a 1:1 configuration in a similar way to personal desktops with VDI, just replacing the client OS with a server OS. This feature does not support pooling environments however if that is the requirement that can be achieved a different way. To enable a pool of RDSH VMs for users to connect to 1:1 simply deploy a number of RDSH servers is a standard RDSH session collection and then configure the session limit to 1 on each RDSH server. You would then need some functionality to reset the RDSH state after users login each time.

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