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How To: Discover and Use Cortana Skills on Windows 10

When digital assistants are mentioned and subject of skills for that service come up everyone things of Amazon and its Alexa service.

Although Amazon does not provide official numbers for the total number of skills that are available for Alexa, you can get an idea of how many are being added to the library by showing the new additions for the last 7, 30, and 90 days on the Alexa Skills Library page.

As of today that count is 664, 2,863, and 8,217 respectively.

On the other hand, Microsoft opened up the Cortana Skills Kit as a preview back in May of this year however, these skills are only available in the U.S. right now. That of course limits growth and as of today there are a total of 62 skills in Cortana's library.

Much like the Microsoft Edge extensions program, until submissions become fully available to the general developer community these libraries will grow slowly.

Despite those limitations, there are some good skills in the Cortana Skills Library and also those that fit right into the fun and nonsense categories.

If you want to try out Cortana Skills the capability has been added to Cortana on Windows 10, for PCs and Tablets, Windows 10 Mobile, and the Cortana app on iOS and Android.

When you install a Cortana Skill it will sync across all of your devices and once authorized/granted permissions through the Cortana app will be available for use on other  devices.

The gallery will show you how to go through the process of selecting, activating, and removing a skill from your Cortana Notebook..


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