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Solve Orchestrator Web Problems

Solve Orchestrator Web Problems

Q: I am trying to connect to my System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator  Web Console or the Web Service, but I receive errors-- what can I do?

A: The most common cause for this problem is that the Orchestrator services is not the owner on the database used for Orchestrator. This causes various types of error for the Orchestrator Web Console and Web Service. The easiest way to solve is as follows:

  1. Logon to your SQL Server.
  2. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Expand Databases, Orchestrator, Security, Users.
  4. Right-click the Orchestrator service account and select Properties.
  5. Select the Membership tab on the displayed dialog box.
  6. Select the db_owner role membership and click OK.

The Orchestrator web components should now work.

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