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Xbox One Controller Deep-dive

Xbox One Controller Deep-dive

Over the top? Maybe.

In over 7 minutes, Xbox's Major Nelson speaks with the general manager of the Xbox accessories business, Zulfi Alam, and they go deep, deep, deep into over 40 improvements that have been made to the Xbox One's controller. So, how do you improve on a controller that was considered by the majority of gamers to be the best one ever created? Zulfi says it took 100's of different controller models, with 100's of research studies, and hours of gaming with the different models to produce a screwless, lower-profile, yet more comfortable handset.

Late last week, Major Nelson walked through an Xbox One Day One edition unboxing. This week, we have a deep dive into the controller. Looks like we can expect a new video every few days until the total virtue of Microsoft's nextgen gaming system is detailed. Ready?

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