SmartScan Xpress ICR/OCR/OMR v4 AnnouncedSmartScan Xpress ICR/OCR/OMR v4 Announced
October 30, 2009
SmartScanXpress ICR/OCR/OMR v4 Announced
PegasusImaging Corp. launched their latest SmartScan Xpress ICR/OCR/OMR developmenttoolkit. Designed for use in Win32 visual development environments, SmartScanXpress ICR/OCR/OMR v4 is a .NET control, COM component, and VCL that offersdevelopers the ability to recognize characters and marks, define forms,recognize forms, and perform image clean up. Version 4 includes an enhancedrecognition engine and features designed to facilitate form processingapplication development.
Pegasus Imaging s scientists have written anew form recognition algorithm to support application requirements identifyingform types and to tailor processing instructions for each form type processed.This algorithm corrects image warping or resizing introduced through scanningand copying, and automatically reorients images scanned at 90, 180, and 270degrees from a user-provided form template. Form drop out and strokerestoration can be requested as well. Form registration is another new feature,added to remove image warping or resizing and to position scanned formscorrectly for zonal form processing.
Enhanced preprocessing and image clean-upactions, including improved line removal, border removal, and deskew, can beapplied to the entire form or to specified regions of interest asprogrammatically defined. Form processing instructions can easily be definedusing the new Forms Editor application designed to generate form processinginstructions. The Forms Editor includes .NET source code, allowing developersto augment the application for specialized requirements.
Pegasus Imaging also enhanced the characterand mark recognition engine. Advanced form clean up and character segmentationtechnology result in improved OCR, MICR, and ICR recognition, and more accuratetranslation of images into character or mark representations. In addition tomachine-print uppercase/lowercase alphabetic and numeric, version 4 recognizesaccented characters, currency symbols, digits, arithmetic symbols, expandedpunctuation characters, and more. OMR is also improved in version 4, includingspecification of OMR fields as grids (rows and columns) or as single bubbles.MICR is improved to recognize and properly report MICR symbols, as well asreturn MICR digits.
Visit complete details.
PegasusImaging Corp.
Price: See Web site.
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