NetAdvantage 2006 to Support Microsoft’s Composition Application BlockNetAdvantage 2006 to Support Microsoft’s Composition Application Block
October 30, 2009
NetAdvantage 2006 to Support Microsoft s CompositionApplication Block
Infragistics announced that NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 willsupport Microsoft s Composition Application Block (CAB). CAB is a new frameworkfor delivering desktop-based, smart-client applications. It is a non-visualframework that allows UI controls to be composed in application-specificworkspaces and smart parts. For details about CAB visit addition, Infragistics is shipping the first release of NetAdvantage in2006. Infragistics also announced they are officially retiring theirCOM/ActiveX controls, but will continue offering them as an unsupportedproduct, UltraSuite.
NetAdvantage 2006is a toolset for building the presentation layer of commercial-class WindowsForms, ASP.NET, and Tablet PC applications. NetAdvantage 2006 supports VisualStudio 2005, 2003, and 2002. NetAdvantage 2006 is comprised of best-of-breedcontrols, including grids, scheduling, charting, toolbars, navigation, menus,list bars, trees, tabs, explorer bars, editors, and more. NetAdvantage 2006 isbuilt on a true framework, not a collection of disparate controls. WithNetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1, organizations can:
Deliver scalable, responsive ASP.NETapplications with WebGrid (this reduces the HTML footprint) and the AJAX-enabledWebTree (which dynamically loads data without the use of a postback).
Deploy rich, high fidelity, line-of-businessapplications using 3D charting controls for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.
Increase the power of the Visual Studio toolboxwith these new controls: ASP.NET: HTML Editor and Spell Checker; Windows Forms:Link Editor and List View.
Utilize NetAdvantage support for CAB to buildenterprise-level user interfaces.
Availabilityand Pricing. NetAdvantage 2006 with Subscription has an introductoryManufacturer s Suggested Retail Price of US$795; the NetAdvantage 2006 withSubscription and Priority Support has an MSRP of US$995. The subscriptionincludes all updates, upgrades, Infragistics .NET source code, and all newcontrols added to NetAdvantage 2006 for one year from date of purchase. TheSubscription and Priority Support edition includes products, source code, andannual subscription, as well as guaranteed response priority support for oneyear from date of purchase.
NetAdvantage 2006Volume 1 is set for release via electronic commerce on February 7, 2006 and as a boxed product on February 13, 2006. NetAdvantage 2006Volume 1 is available from leading resellers worldwide. Current owners of theNetAdvantage Subscription or Subscription and Priority Support edition willreceive NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 on February 6, 2006 free, as part of their subscription. For more informationon NetAdvantage 2006 visit:
Changes in COM
Infragistics also announced changes in the availabilityand support of NetAdvantage COM controls; they will no longer offer COMcontrols as part of NetAdvantage. Instead, they will offer UltraSuite 3.0, apackage of its best-of-breed ActiveX controls, and make the source codeavailable.
Customers whocurrently own a NetAdvantage subscription will still have access to the COMcontrols under the product licensing agreement that was current when theypurchased the product. Future NetAdvantage subscription renewals will berenewed under the new license agreement. Concurrently, Infragistics announcedthe availability of UltraSuite 3.0 for customers wanting access to InfragisticsCOM controls.
UltraSuite is abest-of-breed suite of COM controls providing developers the ability to createinterfaces with the look-and-feel of Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office,Windows Explorer, and Windows XP. UltraSuite source code will be available as aseparate purchase in Q2 2006. UltraSuite 3.0 ships with:
UltraGrid 2.0. This grid-specific softwareproduct is optimized for OLE DB technology; it includes ComboBoxEx, HotLink,Spin, DropDownEdit, DateEdit, Currency, and Numeric.
Data Explorer. Adopt the look and feel ofWindows Explorer in your applications. Data Explorer includes Outlook Bar andResizer.
ActiveTreeView. Feature-rich tree extends thecommon TreeView control.
UltraToolBars 5.0. Create applications thatemulate the rich look of Microsoft Office 2000 or XP with quick customization,personalized menus, and dockable flyout toolbars. It includes ActiveTabs,Resizer, Scroll, Splash, Transition, Option, Command, Check, Frame, Panel,Ribbon, and Splitter.
ScheduleX 9.0. ScheduleX combines six schedulingcomponents, and includes Calendar, WeekView, DayView, TaskPad, DateEdit, andTimeEdit controls.
ComboBox. This OLE DB-bindable control manages amulti-field list and provides simple, single-item selection. It can be bound orunbound, editable and non-editable.
ColorCombo. Display colors and optionaldescriptive text from user selection, with optional custom color selectordialog.
Dial. This fully customizable scrolling controlhas a graphical look and feel similar to a stereo dial.
Font Selector. Display all font families andpoint sizes available on a machine in a combobox. The Font Selector controlreturns an instance of the font selected.
ImageCombo. Display a selection of images anddescriptive text.
Line3D. Choose from various pen styles, 3Deffects, orientations, widths, and colors.
ListBox. OLE DB-bindable ListBox is search- andsort-enabled, with advanced customizable appearance options.
Marquee. Display text and images in a scrollingview.
MaskEdit. Edit text strings according to apredefined format.
Multibutton. Present the user with options forscrolling a region.
Picture. Display graphical images, such as bitmaps,icons, and metafiles, featuring hotspot capabilities.
ProgressBar. Display task completion status orany data requiring a percentage to be displayed.
PropertyBrowser. Browse properties (orinformation in general) in any application. Supports different editors based onthe type of property being edited.
ScreenPrinter. Add screen printing capabilitiesto an application. The ScreenPrinter control can be configured to capture asingle dialog or the entire screen, with optional print preview.
Shape3D. Draw a variety of geometric shapes witha selection of colors and 3D effects.
Text3D. Developer-controlled text display can beset to appear inside a control window or on the border of a control window.
Availabilityand Pricing. UltraSuite 3.0 has an introductory Manufacturer sSuggested Retail Price of US$495; UltraSuite source code has an MSRP of US$1,995.UltraSuite 3.0 is set for release via electronic commerce on February 7, 2006 and as a boxed product on February 13, 2006. UltraSuite 3.0 isavailable from leading resellers worldwide.
CAB Update
With the release of Visual Studio 2005, the MicrosoftPatterns and Practices Team delivered a new framework for developingdesktop-based, smart-client applications. Called the Composite User InterfaceApplication Block (CAB), it is composed of a standardized architecture andcomponent communication services that simplify the construction of smartclients. The framework does not provide user interface controls. It is anon-visual framework that allows UI controls to be composed intoapplication-specific workspaces and smart parts. CAB also includes servicesthat simplify workspaces and smart-part communication. The power of CAB lieswithin its ability to simplify UI component composition, decouple UI layercommunication, and facilitate smart-part reuse. NetAdvantage with CAB andVisual Studio 2005 provide:
Enterprise-class UI. NetAdvantage provides thecomplete UI toolset necessary for enterprise-class smart-client development,including enterprise-class grid, multi-column tree, navigation bars, andcharting controls.
Rich UI Styling. NetAdvantage providesfine-grained styling via predefined look and feels, presets, and appearancesettings.
Seamless Interoperation. Easily buildsophisticated smart-client applications with NetAdvantage, the CAB framework,and Visual Studio 2005.
The NetAdvantage CAB Extensibility Kit, provided as partof a NetAdvantage subscription, extends NetAdvantage to provide seamlessinteroperation with CAB. It enables development teams to compose effective,customizable user interfaces with a complete set of enterprise-class frameworksand tools. The NetAdvantage CAB Extensibility Kit includes:
UIElementManagers for NetAdvantage. ManageNetAdvantage-based UIElement within the CAB framework.
CAB Workspaces for NetAdvantage. Many of theNetAdvantage UI metaphors are provided, including Docking, Explorer Bar, TaskPane, Toolbars, MDI Tab, and Tab.
The NetAdvantage CAB Extensibility Kit is provided to allNetAdvantage customers as an additional subscription benefit. The kit installsa Visual Studio 2005 source code solution, documentation, and sample projects,which make it easy for developers to get started with NetAdvantage and CAB.
The NetAdvantageCAB Extensibility Kit provides seamless integration of NetAdvantage for WindowsForms with the CAB framework. The kit includes NetAdvantage-specific CABWorkspaces and UIElementManagers.
Workspaces.A consistent way of showing and hiding controls. A workspace is a shell that adeveloper can use to introduce visual effects, layout strategies, or otherbehaviors consistently without affecting business logic components. NetAdvantage-specificworkspaces include:
DockWorkspace. Based on the NetAdvantageDockManager, this workspace provides docking support for smart parts. Theassociated DockSmartPartInfo can be used to provide hints about the preferredgroup to which the pane will be added, as well as the default location and panestyle of the group if the preferred group does not exist.
ExplorerBarWorkspace. This workspace is based onthe NetAdvantage ExplorerBar and provides support for displaying smart partswithin controlcontainer style groups. The associated smart part type isExplorerBarSmartPartInfo, but no specific properties other than the headerimage are currently exposed.
MdiTabWorkspace. Based on the NetAdvantageTabbedMdiManager, this workspace provides support for displaying smart partswithin MDI children that are shown using a tabbed document interface. Theassociated MdiTabSmartPartInfo class can be used to provide hints about thename of the group to which the MDI child should be associated.
TabWorkspace. The NetAdvantage TabControl-basedworkspace provides support for displaying smart parts within tabs. Theassociated TabSmartPartInfo allows you to choose the image to be displayedwithin the tab, as well as whether or not the tab should be automaticallyactivated when shown.
ToolbarsManagerWorkspace. This workspace isbased on the NetAdvantage ToolbarsManager and provides support for displaying smartparts within task panes in the ToolbarsManager. The associatedToolbarsSmartPartInfo can be used to provide hints about the preferred task-panetoolbar. such as where the task pane will bedisplayed, as well as the default docked position for the task-pane toolbar ifthe preferred toolbar does not exist.
UIElementManager.A common method of adding to, and using UIElements (e.g., menu items or statusbars) in the shell, such that the developer of an individual piece of businesslogic does not need to know how or where that element will be shown. NetAdvantage-specificUIElementManagers include:
Infragistics, Inc.
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