Free Upgrade of Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise EditionFree Upgrade of Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition
October 30, 2009
Free Upgrade of Stylus Studio 6 XML EnterpriseEdition
Stylus Studio announced a new competitive upgrade program thatallows customers who purchased Altova XMLSPY 2005, Altova XMLSPY 2004(Professional or Enterprise Editions), Altova Mapforce 2005, or Altova Mapforce2004 (Professional or Enterprise Editions) on or before October 1, 2005, to upgrade to Stylus Studio 6XML Enterprise Edition for free (one free single-user license per order, percompany).
Stylus Studio 6XML Enterprise Edition provides an XML IDE for advanced XML data integration, providingdozens of integrated tools for developing, debugging and deploying advanced XMLapplications. This comprehensive and standards-based XML IDE provides XMLdevelopers with everything they need without having to purchase up to sixproducts, or sometimes a suite of products. Here are just a few of the new featuresin Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition, Release 3:
Java Code Generation. Generate Java code foryour XQuery and XSLT stylesheets and deploy that code to a live production serveror application. Stylus Studio captures the settings specified in the XQuery andXSLT scenarios and reflects them in the generated Java code.
Updated W3C XQuery Compliance. The Stylus StudioXML IDE fully supports the W3C XQuery working draft of April 2005.
New XML Schema Productivity Tools. Generatesample XML fragments from XML Schema components, create XML Schemadocumentation with a familiar JavaDoc-like layout, and perform XML Schema-basedoutput validation of XSLT or XQuery transformations.
XML File Explorer Window. The new File Explorerwindow lets developers manage files in Stylus Studio and perform other basicfile-oriented operations (delete, copy, and rename, for example). You can alsoconvert files by dragging the file you want to convert onto any built-in oruser-defined adapter. A new Auto-Backup feature creates backup files of yourdocuments when you save them.
XML Diff Text View. In addition to the SplitView - Tree tab and the Merged tab, you can now viewtwo documents side-by-side in plain text on the Split View - Text tab.
Canonical XML Converter. Convert XML intocanonical form with a single mouse click.
EDIFACT to XML Schema Conversions. SimplifyEDIFACT data integration projects with a new utility for generating XML Schemafrom EDIFACT messages, fully integrated with the XML Schema Editor.
JAXB Support. Generate Java-XML bindings fromyour XML Schemas using the Java API for XML Binding (JAXB), which is fullyintegrated with the Java IDE and XML Schema Editor.
Qualified customers can get their free license for StylusStudio 6 XML Enterprise Edition at
Stylus Studio
Web Site:
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