dtSearch Adds New Terabyte IndexerdtSearch Adds New Terabyte Indexer
October 30, 2009
dtSearch Adds New Terabyte Indexer
dtSearch announced Version 7 ofits product line. The product line can now search terabytes of text across adesktop, network, Internet, or intranet. The release covers: dtSearch Web withSpider, dtSearch Desktop with Spider, dtSearch Network with Spider, dtSearchPublish, and the dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine.
Previously, thedtSearch index format could hold from 4-8 gigabytes of text per index. TheVersion 7 index format can index over a terabyte of text in a single index. Searchtime with over a terabyte of text is typically less than a second. As withprevious versions, a single search can span any number of indexes.
All dtSearchproducts share the same core search and display functionality, including:
More than two dozen indexed, unindexed,full-text, and fielded data search options.
Display of HTML, XML, and PDF files withhighlighted hits and with embedded images, links, and formatting intact.
Built-in HTML converters for display of wordprocessor, database, spreadsheet, e-mail (including attachments), ZIP, Unicode,etc. files, with highlighted hits.
The embedded dtSearchSpider provides integrated searching of remote Web site content, as well aslocally available data. In addition to support for the file formats listed above,the dtSearch Spider can also index and search dynamically generated content,such as ASP/ASP.NET, Microsoft CMS, Microsoft SharePoint, etc.
dtSearchWeb quickly publishes a large volume of instantly searchable data to anInternet or intranet site, with Spider functionality. The dtSearch Engine letsdevelopers add dtSearch s built-in file format support and searching toWeb-based and other applications. The dtSearch Engine API support includes ASP.NET,VB.NET, C#, SQL, C++, C++.NET, Java, and Delphi.
dtSearchDesktop instantly searches popular file types on a PC, while dtSearch Networksearches across a network, running in a client/server capacity. dtSearch Publish can quickly publish an instantly searchabledocument collection to CD, DVD, or similar media. The product can also mirroran existing Web site on CD/DVD. The resulting CD/DVD application can runwithout installing anything on the user s hard disk.
dtSearchoffers a variety of royalty-based and royalty-free pricing options for thedtSearch Text Retrieval Engine. For more information, or to download fully functionalevaluation versions of any product, visit the dtSearch Web site.
dtSearch Corp.
Price: Startsat US$199 (dtSearch Desktop).
Web Site: http://www.dtsearch.com
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