Codify 1.2Codify 1.2
October 30, 2009
Codify 1.2
Workstate Technologies has released Codify 1.2, a uniquecode-generation add-in for Visual Studio .NET. Codify lets you eliminatetedious coding tasks, foster coding standards, and create powerful generativeprogramming tools. It includes multiple code generators - CodeBuilders - thatyou can embed in any source-code file and which generate anything from a fewlines of code to entire class hierarchies. You specify the CodeBuilders'parameters as XML that you can edit either textually or visually using theCodeBuilder editor. Codify also features templates you can create or customizeeasily, as well as advanced features such as User Code Regions and VisualStudio Automation access from within template scripting code.
Workstate Technologies LLC
Price: $75
Contact: (412)436-0603; mailto:[email protected]
Web Site:
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