AutomatedQA Releases TestComplete 5AutomatedQA Releases TestComplete 5
October 30, 2009
AutomatedQA Releases TestComplete 5
AutomatedQA announced TestComplete 5, an environment forautomated testing of Windows, .NET, and Web applications. TestComplete 5 includessupport for testing Windows Vista applications, as well as Firefox and InternetExplorer 7 Web testing. New features are designed to improve software productquality and reduce development costs by further automating the applicationtesting process.
AdditionalTestComplete 5 features and capabilities include: the ability for developers tocreate user-defined forms to be displayed during test execution; support fortesting of Windows Presentation Framework applications and improved support for.NET and Java applications; enhanced name mapping; improved integration withAQtime 5; and, developers can easily run and test applications under differentuser accounts.
The Enterpriseversion of TestComplete 5 includes Web, team system, and log testing.AutomatedQA offers a 60-day, money-back guarantee.
Price: Startsat US$599
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