Smtp.NET 2.0Smtp.NET 2.0
October 30, 2009
Smtp.NET 2.0
ExclamationSoft has released Smtp.NET 2.0, which offersextensive e-mail functionality with shortened development and testing cycles.Smtp.NET extends the basic functionality found in .NET e-mail libraries, and itincludes robust features such as authentication and the ability to specifymultiple mail servers for failover and redundancy. Other features includebuilt-in database functionality such as mail merge and personalization, HTMLand plain text, and rich message formatting. It lets you add enhanced e-mailfunctionality to ASP.NET or Windows Forms Applications, and it includesthorough documentation and extensive examples.
ExclamationSoft Inc.
Price: US$99.95
Contact: (866) 489-0111; (215) 489-0111; mailto:[email protected]
Web Site:
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