ComponentArt Ships Web.UI Version 2006.1 for ASP.NETComponentArt Ships Web.UI Version 2006.1 for ASP.NET
October 30, 2009
ComponentArt Ships Web.UI Version 2006.1 for ASP.NET
ComponentArt announced Web.UI version 2006.1 for ASP.NET. Thisupdated version includes support for the Visual Studio 2005 IDE and .NET 2.0 Framework,including support for the ASP.NET 2.0 navigation architecture, new datacontrols, skins, and themes. Web.UI version 2006.1 also offers enhancedhandling of client scripts and enhanced AJAXfeatures. This release also provides advancements in the area of client-sidecontrol of navigation components.
This release alsoadds two new controls: Splitter for ASP.NET, which enables the creation ofinterface layouts with resizable panels; and WebChart Lite for ASP.NET, whichadds two-dimensional charting capabilities to the suite and is based on thecompany s 3D charting control, ComponentArt WebChart for ASP.NET.
Web.UI version2006.1 for ASP.NET is available in Developer, Subscription, and Enterpriselicenses.
Price: Startsat US$799 per developer, with discounted upgrades available to customers whohave purchased earlier versions of the Web.UI suite.
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