How Do I Add a Network Place in Windows 2000?
January 19, 2000
A. Windows 2000 adds support for Network places that work in asimilar method to mapped drives except they are not mapped as drive letters andare instead accessed via the 'My Network Places' branch of the Desktop.
To add a My Network Place just perform the following:
Start Explorer
Select My Network Places
Double click on the 'Add Network Place' wizard
You will be asked for the location to point to, for example \titanicc$ for the C drive of machine titanic.
Click Next
You will then be asked for a description for the new network place, e.g. "C drive on Titanic", click Finish
The new network place will now be listed
The places are actually stored under your user profile in the folderc:documents and settingsNetHood as folder shortcuts.
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