Xbox Music Book 1.1
Xbox Music is winding down ... perhaps just one more first draft update to go
March 24, 2013
This latest (and hopefully penultimate) update to Xbox Music Book includes a short section on account management and half of the “better together” section. All that’s left is a discussion of Xbox SmartGlass.
I’m hoping to wrap up the first draft of Xbox Music Book before my trip next week.
This update includes a renaming for the section “Better Together: The Multi-Device Household” and the parts about PC/phone music sync, and a short new section on Xbox Music account management, which exists almost solely so I have a place to discuss Xbox Music Pass devices, which is a pretty important topic for anyone adopting this solution.
No movement yet on the title. I’m not super happy with the choices, but I’ll keep thinking about that.
I also did a basic copy and paste of the Windows Phone 8 section of this book into the relevant chapter of Windows Phone Book to see how that will fit/work. It’s going to require a little bit of reorganization, but should be pretty seamless. No reason to rewrite the whole thing. It’s the same topic. (And both books are free. Sorry if this seems lazy.)
Anyway. I’ll try to get the SmartGlass stuff done quickly. Feedback is always helpful.
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