Windows Dev Center Wants Your App Age Ratings AddedWindows Dev Center Wants Your App Age Ratings Added
Microsoft has started asking developers to answer an app rating questionnaire so they can begin to enforce app age restrictions in the Windows Store.

If you are a Windows developer and already have apps in the Windows Store then you have most likely received an email from the folks at the Windows Dev Center about your apps that are missing an age restriction.
In the past, assigning an age rating to your app in the Windows Dev Center was never mandatory in order to have that app published in the Windows Store.
However, it appears Microsoft is informing developers via email that they are ready to begin enforcing age limits in the Windows Store. This means any apps which do not now have an age rating either need to have the Age Rating Questionnaire answered in the Windows Dev Center or the app will be unpublished on 30 September 2016 by Microsoft.
The email contains the App ID and name and each is a live link back to the Windows Dev Center so you can answer the questionnaire to take care of that process for your apps.
You will find the age questionnaire from your apps main listing in the Windows Dev Center by opening your dashboard and clicking on the apps name in the left hand sidebar. Once the app details are displayed you should see a yellow in progress indicator and a link to the Age ratings page.
Clicking on the Age ratings link will take you directly to the questionnaire.
The questions are geared toward the type of app that you are offering and once they are answered you will be shown what age ratings were generated based on your answers.
You can then follow the same process for your other apps that need age ratings and then your work is done and your app is safe in the Windows Store after 30 September 2016.
More information about age ratings for your apps in the Windows Store is available from the Windows Dev Center.
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