JSI Tip 6555. New Windows hotfix naming schema.JSI Tip 6555. New Windows hotfix naming schema.
April 8, 2003
The new Windows hotfix naming schema goes into effect during April 2003.The new schema uses the ProductName-KBArticleNumber-Option-Language.exe format:
ProductName is currently Windows2000, WindowsXP,WindowsServer2003, or WindowsXPTablet.
KB indicates that there is an associated Knowledge Base article.
ArticleNumber is the Microsoft Knowledge Base article number.
Option is used to distinguish different processor platforms, like x86, AMD64, and IA64.
Language is the abbreviation that represents the language the hotfix package is intended for, such as ENU for English, JPN for Japanese, and INTL for multiple languages. If the package applies to all languages, no Language abbreviation is used. See the list of Language name abbreviations.
NOTE: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 hotfixes will continue using the old schema, as in Q123456i.exe.
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