JSI Tip 5451. Windows XP CMD help.JSI Tip 5451. Windows XP CMD help.
June 18, 2002
In tip 2815, I described how to setup a shortcut to the Windows 2000 CMD help file.
To create a shortcut to the Windows XP CMD help file:
1. Right-click a blank area of the desktop and press New and Shortcut.
2. In the Type the location of the item box, type %Windir%Helptcmds.chm and press Next.
3. Type a name for the shortcut into the Type a name for this shortcut box and press Finish.
4. Right-click the shortcut and press Properties. Change the Start into %Windir%Help and press Apply and Ok.
5. When you use the shortcut to open CMD help, you can press the Command-line reference A-Z link to receive detail command help, New command-line tools to receive help on the new tools, or any of the other links.
NOTE: To open the Command-line reference A-Z directly, you can use:
%windir%hh.exe ms-its:%windir%Helptcmds.chm::/ntcmds.htm
NOTE: If you prefer, you can drag this shortcut to your Quick Launch bar or Start menu.
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