Resource: New Basic Training Video Collection for Microsoft OfficeResource: New Basic Training Video Collection for Microsoft Office
Microsoft has unveiled a new collection of videos that can be used to train end users on several aspects of the basic functionality in their Office suite of software.

This week Microsoft pulled the curtain back on what looks like a great resource for training your end users about Office and Office 365.
The total collection consists of 12 videos and includes six new basic course covering aspects of Office use such as signing into Office, renaming files, adding comments, and inserting hyperlinks into various Office documents.
Microsoft states that they know the best way to have advanced skills in the Office software suite is to insure users understand the basics and that is why they have added these six new videos.
So here is a rundown and links to all the videos including the new additions from this week. Each one contains an overview of the video and a transcript to be used alongside the video as necessary.
Intro to Office Basics
Sign in to Office
Get help and support
Change your Office for Home password
Change your Office 365 for Business password
What is Office 365?
Get the most out of Office 365 on Android phones and tablets
Get the most out of Office 365 on iPhones and iPads
Get the most out of Office 365 on Windows 10 phones
How do you download Office?
Redeem your product key
Install on your PC
Install on your Mac
Find your Office apps on Windows 10
Uninstall Office
Create, save, and open files
Create a file from a template
Rename files
Change document properties
Set document recovery options
Recover Office files
Cut, copy, and paste
Undo and redo actions
Find and replace text
Add links in a file
Embed and link to files
Insert equations
Check spelling and grammar
Change the look of text
Change the look of paragraphs
Add and format lists
Copy formatting
Clear formatting
Save files online
Add and review comments
Switch between online and desktop apps
Zoom in or out
View files in split and multiple windows
Turn auto-renew on or off
Switch from Office 365 Home to Personal
Switch from Office 365 Personal to Home
Reactivate Office
Renew with a product key
Renew online
Activate Skype minutes
Use Skype minutes
Sign up for a free home trial
Sign up for a free business trial
Extend your business trial
Buy Office 365 for home
Buy Office 365 for business
Choose between buying and subscribing
As you can see this collection is extensive and I have no doubt that there are plenty of things we each could learn by working our way through the series of videos.
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