JSI Tip 4202. How do I Configure Windows 2000 for Infrared Communication?JSI Tip 4202. How do I Configure Windows 2000 for Infrared Communication?
October 9, 2001
See tip 3888 How do I configure a wireless infrared link?
NOTE: The text in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article is provided so that the site search can find this page. Please click the Knowledge Base link to insure that you are reading the most current information.
Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q302011 contains:
Adding a New Infrared Device
Viewing Infrared Device Properties
Configuring a Serial Port for Infrared Communication
This step-by-step guide describes how to set up your computer for infrared communication.
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Adding a New Infrared Device
Note that you need to use this procedure only if Windows 2000 did not install an infrared device automatically when you turned on your computer. To add a new infrared device:
Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add/Remove Hardware.
In the Welcome to the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard page, click Next. On the Choose a Hardware Task page, click Add/Troubleshoot a device, and then click Next.
In the Devices box, click Add a new device, and then click Next.
On the Find New Hardware page, click No, I want to select the hardware from a list, and then click Next.
In the Hardware types box, click Infrared devices, and then click Next.
In the Manufacturers box, click the device's manufacturer. In the Infrared Device box, click the appropriate infrared device that best matches your hardware.
If you have an installation disk for the infrared device, click Have Disk, click Next, and then follow anyback to the top
Viewing Infrared Device Properties
There must be an infrared device installed in your computer to use this procedure. The settings in the infrared device's properties are set automatically when you install a device, and do not typically need to be changed. To view an infrared device's properties:
Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Wireless Link.
On the Hardware tab, click the infrared device for which you want to view properties, and then click Properties.
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Configuring a Serial Port for Infrared Communication
Your computer must support an infrared mode for a serial port. Use this procedure to install an IrDA transceiver that is provided by the computer manufacturer. To configure a serial port for infrared communication:
Start the BIOS configuration utility for your computer. Note that the method for starting the BIOS configuration utility varies from one computer to another. For many computers, you can start the BIOS configuration utility by pressing a function key that is indicated during the computer startup process. Some computers require that you start by using special configuration disks.
Under the peripheral or serial port configuration section, change the mode to IrDA or Infrared.
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Installing an IrDA transceiver disables the serial port. You should not attach a serial IrDA transceiver to a serial port.
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