JSI Tip 4177. How can I help prevent Journal_Wrap caused by a stopped NTFRS service?
October 2, 2001
The default size of the USN journal is 32 MB. Assuming 8.3 filenames, this maps to approximately 200,000 files and/or directories.
If the NTFRS service is stopped, intentionally, accidentally, or during a long shutdown, the journal can wrap, requiring a non-authoritative restore.
The USN journal size can be configured from 8 MB to 128 MB. The number of changes that thejournal can handle is approximately:
journal size in bytes/((60 bytes + (length of file name)) * 2)
To configure the USN journal size:
1. Use Regedt32 to navigate to:
2. On the Edit menu, Add Value name Ntfs Journal size in MB, a REG_DWORD data type, and set the data value to the number of megabytes, using the Decimal radix.
3. Exit Regedt32.
4. Stop and restart the NTFRS Service by opening a CMD prompt on your server and typing:
net stop ntfrs
net start ntfrs
NOTE: See tip 3383 How do I configure the File Replication Service (NTFRS) via the registry?
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