JSI Tip 2712. Windows NT 4.0 roaming profiles don't load with errors 18 and 1009?JSI Tip 2712. Windows NT 4.0 roaming profiles don't load with errors 18 and 1009?
August 14, 2000
When you DeleteRoamingCache, some users may receive:
The Operating System was unable to load a locally stored profile. A new profile will be created. (1009).
The operating system was unable to load your profile. Please contact your network administrator. [18]
Using net helpmsg, we learn that:
18 is There are no more files and 1009 is The registry database is corrupt.
The registry size on the workstation is probably set too small.
NOTE: A registry size that is too small can also cause duplicate entries for roaming profiles in the HKEY_USERS hive.
To resolve the problem, logon as an account that doesn't use roaming profile and has administrative rights, such as Administrator. Then:
1. Use Regedt32 to navigate to HKEY_USERS.
2. Delete any duplicate SID. See tip 0295.
3. Use Control Panel / System / Performance / Virtual Memory / Change.
4. Set the Maximum Registry Size at least 2 MB greater than the Current Registry Size.
After closing, restart your workstation.
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