Outlook T&T: Disabling Automatic Name Checking and CompletionOutlook T&T: Disabling Automatic Name Checking and Completion
Use Group Policy to disable automatic recipient name checking and completion in Outlook
October 24, 2004
Is there any way to stop Outlook 2002 from filling in an address when an email message sender begins typing a name? We want to force all users to click the To button to display a list of names and addresses.
You can use a Group Policy Object (GPO) to disable both automatic name checking (which checks entered names against the Outlook Address Book) and the automatic completion feature (which checks partially entered names against a file that has the extension .nk2 and that contains recently used email addresses). For Outlook 2002, you'll find the relevant policy settings in the Outlook administrative template in Group Policy Editor (GPE) under Microsoft Outlook 2002 (click Tools, Options, Preferences, E-mail options, Advanced E-mail options, When sending a message). In the When sending a message Properties dialog box, which Figure 1 shows, clear the Automatic name checking and Suggest names while completing To, Cc, and Bcc fields check boxes. For more information about using GPOs, see "Creating a Group Policy for Outlook 2002," August 2003, InstantDoc ID 39167.
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