Microsoft Health app and Band receive updates as device becomes available in UK
The long awaited arrival of Microsoft Band for customers in the UK is now over as the Band is now generally available in its first market outside of the US.
The long awaited arrival of Microsoft Band for customers in the UK is now over as the Band is generally available in its first market outside of the US.
When Microsoft Band was revealed late last year it started out in a test the waters mode based on the fact that we learned here at the SuperSite there were only 30,000 Bands manufactured initially. Learning that little tidbit made the difficulty in finding stock of the Band over its first few months on the US Market very understandable.
Then last month Microsoft opened up the supply chain and expanded distribution of the device by adding it to Amazon, Best Buy and Target here in the US and beginning pre-orders in the UK for an official release date of 15 April 2015. That is of course today.
As I woke up and started to take a look at my Twitter feed there were images popping up showing these devices arriving across the UK and folks seem genuinely excited about getting it finally.
Well one other thing happened shortly after I woke up and tried to sync my Band to the Microsoft Health app on my Windows Phone - a prompt for an update.
For those of you new to the Microsoft wearable this is the normal process of learning the Band and app have updates. Once you tap on OK that will initiate the update process for the app and your Band.
Once it is all done you will get the final confirmation screen:
You can visit the Microsoft Band and Health app update history page to see what was updated however, as of this time, there is no information available on what today's update contains.
I suspect it is related to the availability of the Microsoft Health app and Band in the UK. If we learn anything specific this story will be updated.
Our own Rod Trent did tweet that the name used by Bluetooth for the device had changed after the update but after un-pairing the Band and then pairing it back to his phone it was properly restored.
Let us know in the comments if you see anything different in the app or on the Band.
But, wait...there's probably more so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Google+.
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