Protect Your Cloud Apps From These 5 Common API Security Mistakes

Here's how to avoid these five API security mistakes if you want to maximize security.

Christopher Tozzi, Technology analyst

December 12, 2022

4 Min Read
API key on keyboard

APIs barely existed two decades ago, but they've now become the glue that holds the world of cloud computing together. APIs play a central role in enabling cloud applications to interface with each other and with the various cloud resources they need to do their jobs.

But APIs have a downside: When they're poorly managed, they can become low-hanging fruit for attackers.

That's why it's critical to ensure that you use APIs securely in the cloud. This article unpacks common API security mistakes that IT organizations run into in order to highlight what not to do if you want to make the most of APIs while also maximizing security.

1. Failing to Enforce API Throttling

In many ways, insecure APIs are a DDoS attacker's dream. The reason why is that by issuing repeated calls to APIs, attackers can overwhelm the servers hosting them and render applications that depend on the APIs unusable.

Fortunately, there's a simple way to prevent this type of API attack: throttling. API throttling lets admins limit the number of requests that each client can make to an API in a given time period. Throttling doesn't totally prevent abuse of APIs — it's still possible to launch a DDoS-style attack using a botnet that consists of a large number of independent clients — but it goes a long way toward stopping or mitigating API attacks designed to disrupt application availability.

Related:Why APIs Are the Foundation of Modern Software Development

2. Not Requiring API Authentication

Unless all of the data available through an API is 100% public, the API should require authentication in order to respond to requests. Otherwise, attackers can use the API to access data that should not be available to them — as one attacker did when scraping data from about 700 million LinkedIn users, for example.

The LinkedIn API hack was a bit complicated because the data the attacker scraped was semi-public. It was available on LinkedIn profiles to other LinkedIn users who had access to those profiles. But it wasn't supposed to be available to a random, unauthenticated client making API requests. Basic API authentication would have prevented the abuse that took place in this incident.

3. Using a 'Security by Obscurity' Strategy to Secure APIs

Another API security mistake that can subject your business to an API attack is to assume that just because you don't advertise your API endpoints publicly, no one can find them and you therefore don't need to worry about securing your APIs.

This strategy — which amounts to what security folks call "security by obscurity" — is akin to publishing sensitive data on a website but choosing not to share the URL in the hope that no one finds it.

There are situations where you may choose not to advertise an API's location (for example, if the API isn't used by the public, you might share endpoint information only internally). But even so, you should invest just as much in securing the API as you would if it were a fully public API.

4. Exposing Unnecessary APIs

From a security standpoint, the fewer APIs you expose and use, the better. Unnecessary APIs are like extraneous libraries on an operating system or abandoned code within an application: They give attackers more potential ways to wreak havoc while offering no value to your business.

So, before you publish a new API, make sure you have a good reason to do so. And be sure, as well, to deprecate APIs that are no longer necessary, rather than leaving them active.

5. Defining Overly Broad API Access Controls

A one-size-fits-all security model often does not work well for APIs. Different API users may have different needs and require different security controls. For example, users who are internal to your business may require a higher level of data access via an API than your customers or partners.

For this reason, it's a best practice to define and enforce API access controls in a granular way. Using an API gateway, establish varying levels of access for different users (whom you could differentiate based on their network locations — requests that originate from your VPN should be treated differently from those coming from the internet, for example — or based on authentication schemes).


APIs make it easy to share resources in a cloud environment. But too much sharing via APIs is a bad thing. APIs must be secured with throttling, authentication, and granular access controls in order to keep data and applications secure against attackers looking for ways to abuse APIs.

About the Author

Christopher Tozzi

Technology analyst, Fixate.IO

Christopher Tozzi is a technology analyst with subject matter expertise in cloud computing, application development, open source software, virtualization, containers and more. He also lectures at a major university in the Albany, New York, area. His book, “For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution,” was published by MIT Press.

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