Q. Are there shortcuts in Windows 10 to quickly get to certain settings pages?Q. Are there shortcuts in Windows 10 to quickly get to certain settings pages?
Handy shortcuts to quickly jump to Windows 10 Settings pages.
June 11, 2015

Q. Are there shortcuts in Windows 10 to quickly get to certain settings pages?
A. The quickest way to get to certain settings pages in Windows 10 is to just type the settings page name into Cortana, for example try typing Display or even more specifically Resolution. The same works for pretty much every Settings page. Alternatively you can type a specific ms-settings: string to open a specific page which can also be used within your application to open pages. Below are some of the most common ones:
Settings Page | Command |
Account info | ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo |
Airplane mode | ms-settings:network-airplanemode |
Backgrounds | ms-settings:personalization-background |
Battery Saver | ms-settings:batterysaver |
Battery Saver Settings | ms-settings:batterysaver-settings |
Battery use | ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails |
Bluetooth | ms-settings:bluetooth |
Calendar | ms-settings:privacy-calendar |
Camera | ms-settings:privacy-webcam |
Cellular | ms-settings:network-cellular |
Closed Captioning | ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning |
Colors | ms-settings:colors |
Colors | ms-settings:personalization-colors |
Connected devices | ms-settings:connecteddevices |
Contacts | ms-settings:privacy-contacts |
Data Usage | ms-settings:datausage |
Date and Time | ms-settings:dateandtime |
Dial-up | ms-settings:network-dialup |
DirectAccess | ms-settings:network-directaccess |
Display | ms-settings:display |
Display | ms-settings:screenrotation |
Ethernet | ms-settings:network-ethernet |
Family & other users | ms-settings:otherusers |
Feedback | ms-settings:privacy-feedback |
For developers | ms-settings:developers |
High Contrast | ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast |
Keyboard | ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard |
Location | ms-settings:privacy-location |
Lockscreen | ms-settings:lockscreen |
Magnifier | ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier |
Manage Wi-Fi Settings | ms-settings:network-wifisettings |
Messaging | ms-settings:privacy-messaging |
Microphone | ms-settings:privacy-microphone |
Mobile hotspot | ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot |
Motion | ms-settings:privacy-motion |
Mouse | ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse |
Mouse & touchpad | ms-settings:mousetouchpad |
Narrator | ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator |
Notifications & actions | ms-settings:notifications |
Offline maps | ms-settings:maps |
Optional features | ms-settings:optionalfeatures |
Other Devices | ms-settings:privacy-customdevices |
Other Options (Ease of Access) | ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions |
Personalization | ms-settings:personalization |
Power & sleep | ms-settings:powersleep |
Privacy | ms-settings:privacy |
Proximity | ms-settings:proximity |
Proxy | ms-settings:network-proxy |
Radios | ms-settings:privacy-radios |
Region & language | ms-settings:regionlanguage |
options | ms-settings:signinoptions |
Speech | ms-settings:speech |
Speech, inking, & typing | ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping |
Start | ms-settings:personalization-start |
Storage Sense | ms-settings:storagesense |
Tablet mode | ms-settings://tabletmode/ |
Themes | ms-settings:themes |
Typing | ms-settings:typing |
VPN | ms-settings:network-vpn |
Wi-Fi | ms-settings:network-wifi |
Windows Update | ms-settings:windowsupdate |
Work access | ms-settings:workplace |
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