Missing-partition-for-run-step error in Synchronization Service Manager after deploying Azure AD ConnectMissing-partition-for-run-step error in Synchronization Service Manager after deploying Azure AD Connect
Solve partition missing errors with Azure AD Connect.
June 30, 2015

Q. Why am I receiving a missing-partition-for-run-step error in Synchronization Service Manager after deploying Azure AD Connect?
A. This happens in a scenario where you have multiple domains but choose not to synchronize one. Even though nothing is being synchronized the configuration wizard still adds a step in the run profiles to try and synchronize which causes the error. The solution is to remove the step from the run profiles using Synchronization Service Manager as follows:
Launch the Synchronization Service Manager (C:Program FilesMicrosoft Azure AD SyncUIShellmiisclient.exe)
In the Operations tab you will notice the errors related to missing-partition-for-run-step
Select the Connectors tab
Right click on your on-premises Active Directory connector and select Configure Run Profiles action
Select each of the run profiles then perform step 6 for each
Select the step for the domain that you don't want to replicate, it will be a GUID and select Delete Step
Click OK
Now select the Run action and run one that had been failing and it should now show Success. The status can be seen in the Operations tab
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