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JSI Tip 6945. The Windows Server 2003 Netsh utility can export and import DHCP scopes

To use the Netsh.exe utility to export the full service configuration to a file, open a command prompt and type:

netsh dhcp server \\ServerName export FileName all

To export the aaa.bbb.ccc.0 scope to a file, type:

netsh dhcp server \\ServerName export FileName aaa.bbb.ccc.0

To export the aaa.bbb.ccc.0 and ddd.eee.fff.0 scopes to a file, type:

netsh dhcp server \\ServerName export FileName aaa.bbb.ccc.0 ddd.eee.fff.0

To import the full configuration, type:

netsh dhcp server \\ServerName import FileName all

To import the the aaa.bbb.ccc.0 and ddd.eee.fff.0 scopes from a file, type:

netsh dhcp server \\ServerName import FileName aaa.bbb.ccc.0 ddd.eee.fff.0

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