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Registry Editing

The following are good uses for the Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE), but be extremely cautious: Editing the Registry can permanently corrupt your system, so always have a backup available to correct your entries.

Q: I have been using the new Explorer GUI shell (see "Exploring the Explorer GUI" on page 49 in the November, 1995, issue) and have decided to try Netscape v2.0. Netscape won't work at all. Can this be fixed?

Install Netscape. Go into the Registry (with REGEDT32). Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Classes\Microsoft\WINDOWS\Current-Version\AppPaths and delete the Netscape.exe key under AppPath.

Q: I am on a network that contains a Novell server with several printers on it. It constantly gives me a pop-up message. Can I eliminate the message?

Go to the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Current-ControlSet\Control\Print\Providers. From the Edit menu, choose Add Value. Then in the Value Name, type NetPopup. Select REG_DWORD for the data type, and enter a value of 0. Exit the Registry Editor, and then stop and restart the spooler.

Q: How do I make an NT Server act as a Domain Time Source Server?

Locate the following Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters.

From the Edit menu, select Add Value, and add the following:

Value Name: TimeSource
Data Type: REG_DWORD
String: 1

Shut down, and restart NT.

Q: How do I change the fonts on icons in Windows NT 3.51?

Open the window HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\ControlPanel\Desktop. Go to the key IconTitleSize REG_SZ number Default: 9. Highlight the number 9. Change the number to 12, for example, to make the font size larger. If you wish to change the font, go to IconTitleFaceName REG_SZ fontname Default: Helv and change Helv to the desired font (make sure it's a TrueType font).

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