Q: I'm missing some Windows Server 2012 administration tools--how do I add them?Q: I'm missing some Windows Server 2012 administration tools--how do I add them?
How to add Windows Server 2012 administration tools.
October 18, 2012
A: The goal for Windows Server 2012 administration is to manage remotely from a Windows 8 machine. However, there might still be times when you need the administration tools locally. Or perhaps you're setting up a Windows Server 2012 box that will act as the management host for all servers and will be accessed by all the IT administrators.
Typically, when a role is installed, the associated administration tools are also installed. However, sometimes the administration tools aren't installed or you simply need to add additional administrative tools. To add administration tools, perform the following:
Start Server Manager.
From the Manage menu, select Add Roles and Features.
Click Next to the Before you begin screen.
For Select installation type, select Role-based or Feature-based installation, and click Next.
Select the server and click Next.
Click Next to Server Roles.
On the Features screen, scroll down to Remote Server Administration Tools,then expand the Feature and Role Administration Tools, select the tools you want installed, then click Next.
Windows Server 2012 RSAT lnstallationClick Next to the Confirmation.
Click Install to complete the installation, then click Close once complete.
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