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Q. How can I verify that my Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) partition replica addition worked?

A. On the replica server, open the ADAM version of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) ADSI Edit snap-in (Start, Programs, ADAM, ADAM ADSI Edit) and connect to the replicated partition by following these steps:

  1. Start the ADAM ADSI Edit tool on the replica server.
  2. Right-click the ADAM ADSI Edit root in the treeview pane and select "Connect to."
  3. Enter a connection name and leave the server name as localhost and the port as 389 (unless you changed the port during installation).
  4. Under "Connect to the following node," select the "Distinguished name (DN) or naming context" option, which the figure at Figure shows, and enter the name of the partition you've replicated.
  5. Click OK.

If the replica addition works, ADSI Edit should now display the contents of your partition. It's a good idea to create an object in one copy of the replica and make sure it's replicated to the other members of the replica set. If the partition isn't cached, it hasn't replicated. If this occurs, you could try stopping and starting the ADAM service on the replica system, then try to reconnect.

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