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JSI Tip 3383. How do I configure the File Replication Service (NTFRS) via the registry?

NTFRS is a multi-threaded, multi-master replication service that replaces the Windows NT LMREPL service. Windows 2000 Servers use NTFRS to replicate system policy and logon scripts from clients and to replicate the content between Windows 2000 servers hosting the same fault tolerant DFS roots or child node replica.

The registry entries for the NTFRS service are located at the following key:


 Value   Type   Min.   Max.   Default  D e s c r i p t i o n 
 Debug Log Severity   REG_DWORD   0   5   5  Verbosity of
%SystemRoot%\Debug\Ntfrs_000x.log files, where 0 is minimum and 5 is maximum.
 Debug Log File   REG_DWORD   0   None   5  Number of active log files, where the higher log number is the most recent. 
 Debug Maximum Log Messages   REG_DWORD   None   None   10000  Number of lines per log file. The default uses ~2MB of disk space. 
 DS Polling Short Interval in Minutes   REG_DWORD   1   None   5  NTFRS polls the Active Directory for 8 Short intervals and then switches to Long intervals, unless there was a configuration change. 
 DS Polling Long Interval in Minutes   REG_DWORD   1   None   DC=5, Mbr=60  The Long polling interval. 
 Staging Space Limit in KB   REG_DWORD   None   None   675840  See tip 2902 » FRS stops responding because the staging area is full? 
 Working Directory   REG_EXPAND_SZ   N/A   N/A   %SystemRoot%\Ntfrs  The location of the Jet database, Ntfrs.jdb and the Ntfrs_000x.log files. 

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