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JSI Tip 2747. NetBIOS Scope ID can cause a Windows 2000 domain controller to stop responding on boot?

When a Windows 2000 domain controller has a NetBIOS scope ID defined, it may hang while booting during the Preparing Network Connections process. If you are patient for between 2 - 4 hours, the boot process may finish.

If this happens to your domain controller, allow the boot to complete or restart the computer in Safe mode. Log on as an administrator and use Regedt32 to delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\ScopeID key.

Restart your domain controller.

NOTE: This can break communications with other NetBIOS-based computers that have the scope ID defined.

NOTE: You should use more restrictive NTFS and share permissions, VLANs, IPSec, etc., as there is no guarantee that NetBIOS scopes will supported in future Microsoft products.

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