Windows 11 #DevChannel Build TrackerWindows 11 #DevChannel Build Tracker
This ITPro Today Build Tracker follows the public development cycle of Windows 11 in the Dev Channel. This development channel focuses on testing various enhancements and features for upcoming releases of Windows 11.

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Microsoft develops future updates for Windows across three development channels (Dev, Beta, and Release Preview Channel).
This build tracker will provide enterprise and business customers a chronological reference list of all pre-release client builds available in the Dev Channel for Windows 11.
According to Microsoft, the key considerations for Dev Channel builds are:
Targets highly technical users who can deal with bugs and disruptions to their workflow.
Provides advanced access to the earliest builds in the development cycle for testing the latest features, enhancements, and compatibility.
Expect some rough edges and instability during testing. These builds should not be installed on production devices.
Features tested in this channel are not tied to any specific future release of Windows 11.
Visit the Windows Insider for Business page for more details and enrollment information.
Follow our other IT Pro Today Build Trackers:
Tracker Milestones
September 2, 2021: Started tracking Dev Channel development for future versions of Windows 11.
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