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Solve multi-monitor DisplayPort challenges with resolution and window placement

Solve multi-monitor DisplayPort challenges with resolution and window placement

Q. I have multiple monitors connected via DisplayPort and after screens turn off with power save my windows are all re-arranged. What can I do?

A. I recently deployed a new setup with a new graphics card and multiple 4K displays. After the monitors went into power save on resume all the windows I had open were rearranged and appeared in random places. After trying many different solutions and a lot of investigation the solution that worked for me was the following:

  1. Open the registry editor
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration
  3. Delete all of the sub keys
  4. Reboot the machine

After the reboot if you rearranged the monitor positions or changed the main display you will have to redo that configuration. Also anytime there is a major graphics driver update you will have to re-perform these steps. While not ideal this is the only solution I have found that actually works.

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