Microsoft Edge Now Available in Preview on Android Devices from the Google Play StoreMicrosoft Edge Now Available in Preview on Android Devices from the Google Play Store

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Last week we told you about Microsoft's announcement and their plans to make their Microsoft Edge browser available on the iOS and Android mobile platforms.
The version of Edge for iOS was almost immediately available through Apples TestFlight program but within just a few days that reached its limit of 10,000 testers.
On the other hand, the Android version was coming soon and those who wanted to try out the Edge Preview on that platform could provide their email and get notified when the browser arrived in the Google Play store.
Well that notice arrived in those users email inboxes a short while ago:
The great thing about the Android version of Microsoft Edge is that there is no limit to the number of testers that can download the app for their devices.
So you can head over to the Google Play Store and grab the app to get started. This gallery will show you the initial run experience and various aspects of the apps UI.
If you use the same Microsoft Account in the Microsoft Edge app on Android that you use with Windows 10 then you will be able to push content to those devices. There are two sharing options - one is to open the webpage directly in Edge on the Windows 10 device or send an alert to the Action Center with a shortcut to the site.
This style of sharing is all part of Microsoft's push to build an ecosystem around your Windows 10 devices that can easily include Android and iOS mobile devices for cross platform/device sharing.
As you browse through these screenshots a lot of things will ber very familiar as they match up nicely with Microsoft Edge on the Windows 10 desktop.
But, wait...there's probably more so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Google+.
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